
Homicide is not a criminal term in the way you are thinking. Just means death was caused by a human. Justification (or lack thereof) is how the law considers legal responsibility

You say their system is better than the electoral college...even though it is the SAME. Electoral votes are based on House seats....House of Commons elects the PM.

The kid targeting her (for her religion/ appearance) and calling her a terrorist is terrorizing her....

The latter. Source: I am from CT and we know we are better than you.

first of all its called Lex

Ok so this part is actually true...

lol well I am glad you know your own thoughts. However, you should work on your communication skills so that others can understand you

No you most certainly were not. “Extreme starting point, then go from there.”

His approach is transparent at this point?

This is actually a very timely article considering the WSJ published something this morning stating how one’s political views is impacting purchasing decisions and relationships more than ever.

Miata is always the answer

No, no no no no. They tried to put the cake in the overhead bin section that stores emergency/ demo equipment and then insinuated the flight attendant was drunk. I would have kicked them off too

Its having 8x in retirement assets earning 5.5% per year (with a deduction each year of .85x ending salary. I don’t think you are taking into consideration the “next egg” continues to grow even as you take payments

then you haven’t been paying attention

These people need to be locked up and throw away the key

Regardless of how you feel about Republicans- I knew they had it when they refused to give the (moderate) Garland a hearing knowing that if HRC won she would appoint a much more left-leaning justice. That level of confidence was when was the last time a party won the presidency 3 consecutive terms...

Um what China market. International carriers can’t fly domestic- not that there is much of that in China anyways...

You realize how nominal that is a for $23B company...and final tally was <$300mm on the day. Swings that happen in the market.

Your hypocrisy is unreal. He is Putin’s puppet and yet risking war with Russia at the same time. Glad you aren’t the president or you would have the most powerful nation in history cowering in fear of a hermit kingdom.