I read this yesterday, and I do not understand this person on any level. Buy candy and hand it out. If you run out of candy, turn your light off. The end.
I read this yesterday, and I do not understand this person on any level. Buy candy and hand it out. If you run out of candy, turn your light off. The end.
Do you normally enjoy ruining jokes with information everyone knows?
Person A: "Knock knock"
Person B: "Who's there?"
Person A: "Banana."
Person B: "Banana wh-"
Ovdanyakad: "Bananas don't knock on doors."
In Australia, if you have returned from treating or dealing with ebola patients you are required to maintain a 21 day self imposed exile/quarantine (no public places, public transport, etc) and check in with a treating medical practitioner every 7 days.
This guy's behaviour just seems at best cavalier, at worst -…
He was a young doctor with a big heart in the big city. She was a visiting disease causing bleeding in his gastrointestinal tract. Together, this summer, they may just find that the best symptom is love.
They should re-name them #notacronut on the menu.
The crayon drawing killed me.
This is exactly how they should have responded. And how everyone should respond to cease and desists.
You did two things wrong. a) Union Square. There's a Macy's and Cheesecake Factory. Big whoop. b) Flip flops. Never ever ever. Closed toed shoes always.
Her follow up is pretty good too:
Ms. Albright doesn't deal in shame, only shade.
Apparently he copy pasted that message to a ton of women today. Shockingly it didnt end well.
No way. Definitely Nicholas Sparks.
Guys, I actually believe that this was Dan Brown. WHO WANTS TO START A RUMOR WITH ME???
This is the first time I have ever been genuinely curious as to who the d-bag was. Any guesses?
So...even by trying to start his own thing...this is still a negative? I am always confused by people who hate people who have money.
As much as I don't want to respond to this attention seeking crap, it needs to be known that you go to a "pubic" high school.
Wait so you are calling him a punk for trying to make money on the side to pay for gas? I am confused about how that makes sense.
Well....I can't hate him for trying to be somewhat independent. Good on him for trying to break the common image of spoiled new money teens being too lazy to pay for their own luxuries.
Sooooooooo would I have sex with a 26-year-old man in Goiania, Brazil who has confessed to murdering 39 people, including a 14-year-old teenage girl, homeless people, and several transvestites? Was that what the question was?