
Statistically, serial killers almost always kill within their own race. You can be as snarky as you want, but that is a fact.

Yeah, don't you know violent white men never harm people outside their own race?

Be born female and not white?

She was the head of the health center there. She did a ton of research studies and created programs to address the most prevalent illnesses. The elders (not well educated or care to be) basically call all of the shots and told her to discontinue her treatment practices. She refused on the basis of it being the

Yes, the police are dicks and care far less when a missing woman isn't white, but aren't you at all curious as to who her alleged enemies on the Reservation were? And why they were hostile to her? You allude to that in your article but you don't provide any information or interest in clearing that up, and instead

These stories of non-white women going missing and the police dragging their feet are too common.

I grew up not too far from here and my heart goes out to the families. While I grew up on the "good" side of the tracks, the entire central time zone in Indiana is looking more and more like this. People have lost even more jobs, they can't pay their bills, and the drug scene is unlike any other.

Every report I've read on this mentions that the police are not calling him a serial killer yet. But once someone confesses to seven murders, doesn't that settle the question? Is there a further criterion I'm unaware of, beyond y'know, serially killing people, that makes one a serial killer?

Another sex offender kill his new victims. I'm shocked.

It just means that they are still putting the case together and deciding what exactly to charge him with. It can sometimes take a while to get all the information and for the DA to decide the number of counts for each charge as well. For a complex case like this it is fairly normal.

a sex offender with multiple pending cases

you need to lock yourself in a room and think about your goddamn life choices

I love Comic Sans. I use it for all my menu planning and grocery lists and to do lists. Basically, anything that's just for me. I find it very easy to read. Just like your nana does.

Or you could just show close up photos of natural childbirth.

I think they would experience glee knowing the woman died. The slut deserved it. That's the kind of monster we are dealing with.

We have a guy who has a truck converted to hold giant, dead fetus pictures on all sides. He drives all around town with the thing. Such an asshole.

They wouldn't care because they think women who die like that deserve it.

How would they like an image of a dead, bloodied woman and a twisted coathanger on the floor next to that one, with the phrase, "When abortion was not safe, legal and accessible, women died. Save women's lives - protect choice."

Protect the fetuses! Fuck the already born children!

You know, if we were just going by gruesome surgery photos, you could make appendectomies look evil. Man was born with his appendix and he should die with his appendix!