Haha, are you asking because you don't know what "kicking" means in this context and are concerned for any foot-shaped bruises on my person? Or are you just expressing shock?
(I do not mean to insult your savviness or intelligence in anyway—I told one of my friends this story before and she gasped out loud because she…
Whoop, I shouldn't have assumed your gender like that, sorry!
Lol, the thing with me is, I'm pretty shy about online community interaction. Thus I haven't managed to find a server I like, filled with friends. It doesn't help that I'm the only gamer among all my "real life" friends either :P
But regarding that server, everything went swimmingly until I used the mic. You can never…
I also had a bad TF2 experience. I was playing pyro and was killin' it—got a reflect double kill, managed to push the other team almost back to spawn. This guy goes on the mic and says that I was a good player.
(This was the only time I used the mic) And then I thanked him and immediately got screamed at by the other…
They'd be totally cute and not racist at all, without the context of the people wearing basketball gear, making thuggish poses, and tagging their pic with #ballin and #mlkday.
But man, punch served in carved out fruit/gourds is totally awesome. I wish I had some wintermelon right now...
I don't know if it's because Moffat and co are British, but he also has problems with race. I think someone else already covered the problem with Dr. Who, but even in Sherlock, that one episode where all the Asians lived in Chinatown, were obsessed with tea, and were all secretly ninjas was so surreal to me. It was…
The best part is that he just ends it with, "hope you have a great Sunday!"
They certainly know how to properly capitalize on hot male actors...!
Only reason DC failed with its female-lead movies was because of poor writing and complete lack of ability to treat female characters as non-sex objects.
I went to an extreme there in my example, but it's not impossible to make a Wonder Woman character who is a strong, well-fleshed out female character, with roots in Greek mythology, while at the same time not being totally ridiculous. Somewhere out there, there must be some fan who has already written a great script…
They made a good movie based off a Norse Thunder God who can fly by spinning his hammer around...
Chanel has a huge problem with race. Remember when they did yellowface in that one video where Coco (or an actress portraying her) went to Shanghai and all the people she met were white Europeans with mascara made up to get the "slanty eye"? http://www.racialicious.com/2009/12/17/the…
But there was, even since before WW2. After Matthew Perry, Japan was exploited for its (forced) trade while Japanese emigration to the States was restricted. I don't know what your definition of "racial exploitation" would be, but certainly they were oppressed (which I believe is the word you used originally) and…
I applaud you, toren1776. You have successfully trolled me.
Also within the U.S. itself, JAPANESE INTERNMENT CAMPS *hard look at OP*
I remember when I was a HS student visiting the National Museum of Health and Medicine. They wouldn't let us take a bag in, not even a small one. My period came that day, and I have the HEAVY flow. Keep in mind that they don't manufacture girl jeans with actual pockets either, so I had to make due with the pad already…
LOL! You have now been enlightened.
The innocence! It really depends on the woman and how heavy her flow is, as well as how thick the pad is. Some are blessed with light flow. I'm not one of them. I easily go through 7-10 pads in my early days of menstrual flow. Keep in mind that often times a period will start out heavier and then decrease in flow over…