
I, too, got one of these the last time it was on sale for about $180. I love it, and run it daily. It’s not going to cure all your dust and pet hair problems, but it will dramatically reduce the need to spend 2 hours vacuuming and dusting every weekend. The $180 price tag has been recovered countless times over with

I, too, got one of these the last time it was on sale for about $180. I love it, and run it daily. It’s not going to

The schedule function is the weakest aspect of this otherwise awesome (and budget) robovac. The scheduler only has the option to go daily, so you set the clock, and the scheduler, and off it goes at the same time, once a day. The issue is that if you ever turn the unit off, the remote will still display the time, but

The schedule function is the weakest aspect of this otherwise awesome (and budget) robovac. The scheduler only has

This little dude does great with pet hair. We have a dog and a cat. The collection bin isn’t huge, but the suction will take care of most pet hair without a problem. This thing is a blessing.

This little dude does great with pet hair. We have a dog and a cat. The collection bin isn’t huge, but the suction

I’ve got the Akorn grill. I love it. If you’re on the fence, I say do it.

I’ve got the Akorn grill. I love it. If you’re on the fence, I say do it.

My father still has both an Eames chair and a Noguchi coffee table that were purchased before I was born - at least 33 years ago.

My father still has both an Eames chair and a Noguchi coffee table that were purchased before I was born - at least

So you can get a knock off Eames lounge chair for ~$800. I’ve considered it.

So you can get a knock off Eames lounge chair for ~$800. I’ve considered it.

I love all that stuff, but even with 15% off, still outta reach.

I love all that stuff, but even with 15% off, still outta reach.

I really like it. I used to use a beard trimmer on the lowest setting. This will get closer than that. Maybe a little closer than 5 o’clock shadow, but not baby-butt smooth.

I really like it. I used to use a beard trimmer on the lowest setting. This will get closer than that. Maybe a

I’ll sum up Jeff Sessions:

This issue is full of nuance, and the only thing I’d like to add is to be careful painting “scientists” with a broad brush. In my field - predominantly white and male, like most - I find that my colleagues are often not afraid to make a stand on social or political issues that matter to them either personally or

That’s why they belong in your office, so they can mock you in front of your peers, who in turn can mock you for having weights in your office.

That’s why they belong in your office, so they can mock you in front of your peers, who in turn can mock you for

I thought the same thing - those dowels aren’t doing a whole lot to support weight. If he’s using wood putty, I woulda sunk a couple of wood screws in there as well. Or, change the design and have the side boards cap the top and bottom boards...?

I don’t get it. People with JDs are “esquire”, and people with PhDs are “doctors”. They’re not “medical doctors”, but they are doctors. They did their doctorate. Arguably, peopled with JDs are also doctors, but it’s not the standard of the field.

... Climate change and over harvesting by humans? Odd how pertinent this seems...

Come on, please. Statements like these and others scattered around this article are what’s wrong with science writing and reporting today:


Oh, come on. There are dozens and dozens of things that enlisted men and women understand will get them in trouble if they do them while on the job or in uniform. They can wave a Trump flag at home on their own time all they like. They can grow a beard, swear, wear graphic tees in their free time and off base.

Why can’t they be the vessels for uploaded or artificial human intelligence? Why need the internal hominid?

Don’t get your news from Trump’s tweets. Obama never banned immigration from any of those countries. In 2011 there was a slowdown in visas to Iraqis due to a reevaluation of all visas already granted - no ban was ever made, through executive or any other governmental action.

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