
Only if we can go back in time for more Yabushige.

The whole series was pretty much perfect as is, but I’d happily spend more time with those characters. 

Blackthorne: Do you want to repeat the failures of Game of Thrones like a madman?!?!

I haven’t watched Grey’s in a LOOOOOONG time, but I don’t remember it being a tear-jerking show.

The “pretty people feel sad in a hosipital, while something like “how to save a life” by The Frey plays in the background” recipe.


1. Doctors get it on.
2. One of them dies.
3. Viewers cry.
4. At NO time does ANYONE practice medicine.

Is it by writing terrible TV that makes you weep for the medium?

I got to attend the Kokoson Pop-Up in Seattle and it was SO DELICIOUS. I definitely agree with this placement!

Fabio was the king of the front of house.

This site has become a joke. So the AV Club likes Fuller, so you’ll just poo poo away the sexual assault claim against him. Why is that? Is it because he has the “correct” political affiliation?

You know that Justified quote everyone’s fond of using? “If you meet an asshole once, well, you met an asshole, but if everyone you meet is an asshole then you’re the asshole”?

Tom was visibly pissed at the end of the Dos by Duel dinner so you just knew they were gonna lose no matter how well the rest of the episode tried to hide it

Definitely want to catch this in theatres. I’m trying to be better about just getting out of the house to watch something instead of waiting for streaming and I’m just in the mood for more fun movies.

The price of movie tickets is another good reason to wait for streaming. I enjoy going to the movies, but I can only afford to see so many.

Just saw it and I’m glad i watched it and I’m glad I saw it in the theater. Probably my only complaint would bethe 6 teens that kept moving around in the theater, talking super loud, one facetiming with someone and another taking pictures of the rest of them with the flash on while others just kept running up and down

The trailers made the movie look like a lot of fun but I would have never guessed it cost $130m to make.

There are still Episode I Pepsi vending machines out in the world, and people map them out and visit them.  I think that alone speaks volumes.

‘”I mean, it’s a big action comedy with lots of neat looking setpieces, surely it plays better on a big screen right?”’

This might well be a good movie, but it really feels like a "I'll wait until it hits streaming" movie.