
Thank you!!

Is the sauce inside the taco spicy?  I don’t like too spicy.

What do you have against the West Coast?

Today is National Chocolate Chip cookie day. 

No, you’re not alone, I also found it hilarious.  It was so frantic, I watched it twice to make sure I didn’t miss anything.

The only app and rewards program I use is Taco Bell and it’s totally worth it. 

Better than a Jelly of the Month club subscription.

Seriously! Last time I got nacho cheese and chips, there were like 12 chips and the nacho cheese cup was half full. And it costs more than twice as much as it did 3 years ago! I still love me some Taco Bell though.

My favorite was back in season 1 when Nadja was enamored with Jeff (Jesk?) and it was ultimately revealed that Laszlo kept killing all reincarnations of him. If that’s not true love, I don’t know what is.

I love L&L!  Their macaroni salad is like crack for me.

The conclusion of Laszlo’s speech increased the grade to at least B- for me.  “Fuh...fuh...Fuck off!”

I’m going to see Metallica in Seattle next summer. Challenge accepted.

That sounds really good, can’t wait to try it!

I love Jeopardy. I agree with the champions; I don’t want to watch a TOC with recycled clues. I’ll wait.

I just love this show. I’m sad it’s ending, but I’m so happy it has existed for 3 seasons.

More naked Nandor please, hubba hubba.

That was my thought as well. I might watch the first episode just to see how they handle that.


It’s going to be too hot to leave the house where I am, even for ice cream. Thankfully Safeway had BOGO Tillamook, so I stocked up. 
