
Couldn’t agree more....I rewatched that episode where Darlene and David got married and then Dan had the heart attack....such a chilly moment, gives me goosebumps just thinking of what he said at the end “call somebody”.

My wife and I watched all of the other seasons while she was pregnant, they hold up quite well. Though Roseanne is pretty crazy in real life. Dan makes the show for me, he’s the dad that I strive to be.

I hope they stray away from the politic side of things. I loved the old show. They don’t need to keep bringing up politics, the formula works, stick with what works.....snappy one liners about family, marriage, kids, and being poor.

Agreed, it wasn’t the worst episode. But I did miss seeing Earn on screen, he’s my favorite part of the series....well him and Darius.

FYI it’s not a good idea to let your kids handle chickens until they are at least 3 years old. (and have their immunity system built up)

hate is a strong word....I too remember watching the show....used to think that the grand prize game was a bit simple.

I think the creator of the video is using a program called Speakerphone. It emulates different spaces/speakers. I just watched a few of his videos on his page and they all seem to carry the same theme. Music playing on a still image but sounding like it’s in a space and out of a crappy speaker.

The last bit of the night....the lamp toilet....was hilarious!

It’s so saddening and pretty embarrassing that this is what our country has to offer in means of leadership. Which should you choose the douche or the turdsandwich?