
Smallest possible sample size warning, but my ex was native, and when I asked her how she felt she basically said that she didn’t LIKE it, but she didn’t really care much either, because there were “a million more important things for the Native community to focus on”

I think I would’ve paid $30 for Battlefront as it launch. I have the opportunity now (sales every now and again) and it’s less enticing because I hear the servers are a ghost town.

I’m glad I dodged a bullet by Gameflying this instead of full-on buying it.

A season pass that didn’t even really offer anything at that. Shameful and disrespectful all around.

Should have been half the price then. Not to mention the inclusion of a seasons pass for half a game is shameful.

Is it because of Force Awakens that the multiplayer had barebone content, and that you still sold your game at 60 bucks.

I traveled with a girl who wrote her name on something at the Vatican and I wanted to punch her. Other people yelled at her too. It was terrible.

I remember when one of the limited designer lines with a big retailer came out, within a day the stores and online were sold out and ebay listings were popping up at ridiculous markups. Within a week the store announced they were restocking the entire line, and I laughed and laughed at all the ebayers who’d jumped the

14 tickets in one transaction???? I don’t think I’ve ever bought tickets for anything that ever let you have more than 8. What the fuck, Broadway.

Hell, even their Budweiser, sorry, AMERICA is a decent beer.

They probably got drunk on local Czech pilsner, so whatever their punishment, it was definitely worth it.

I don’t understand the toxicity against people who prefer to play the games with scripts that aren’t dumbed down, features that aren’t cut, and characters that aren’t changed. Just glancing at the top comments I’m called an idiot, a weaboo, and a loser. One, I assume most of the people complaining aren’t even

You were arguing that there is no way that Jon Stewart would not know about something that is a misreported rumor. And I was saying that it is not unreasonable that Jon Stewart would not have in depth knowledge about something that is known to be a misreported rumor. Your entire original argument was predicated upon

It’s a little more complicated than that.

Not a GGer, but censorship is any instance where material that an official body considers unacceptable changes or removes parts of that media, self censorship in companies happens quite often.

I am sure all of the comedians in the world discussed Louis’ perversions at the Algonquin Comedy Round Table that happens once every equinox, at the first sound of the comedy shofar.

Especially when another male comedian admitted it was him (Doug Stanhope). There could be two, but...

I was saying the same thing at the same time, but I’m in the greys. Thank you.

Is anyone else slightly disturbed that we all just decided to accept Louis CK is a sex offender based on random, unrelated stories about random, unrelated comics acting creepy?

I think the real story here is that there's archived streaming video for most of a 10U baseball tourney.