
Juding by her insane response to this i’m going to give the bouncers the benifit of the doubt and assume that she was being a big enough asshole that they chose not to care. Which is fine because it didn’t happen on the property they were protecting.

I mean if I had to deal with drunk ass people in williamsburg i’d be an asshole too. Kind of comes with the territory.

Oh so security guards now have an obligation to attend to random shit happening on the sidewalk instead of in the place they work security for? Good to know. I didn’t realize underpaid security guard really meant police officer/medical professional.

This entire story is complete fucking nonsense. She maced some couple on Halloween and then doesn’t understand why some random security guards wouldn’t be super pumped about helping her.

Wow you’re a terrible person with a very...very warped view of the world.’re the one who said you “assumed there was some kind of settlement made”. No one here knows anything, which is why i’m defaulting to what I know to be true about the legal system because I practice law.

Great. Tell us more about this. No one here has heard this spiel before.

Don’t you see though? It’s more reasonable to ask/expect the entire world to change than to ask individuals to.

Again, everyone has heard this before. It is all you talk about.

Yeah yeah yeah. We’ve all heard it. Because it seems to be the only thing you ever talk about.

This case doesn’t really fall under the heading of “most civil cases”.

Thats...ridiculous to assume.

“I also have a feeling that some money was paid out by Kane to make this decision easier to make for the alleged victim.”

lol turkey doesn’t have shit on the books. Basically run like a 3rd world nation.

yeah thats a healthy attitude to have about a complete stranger.

You shouldn’t give out legal advice if you don’t even understand what the law is.


stop talking.

lol no one cares what you think about anything you nobody piece of garbage.

Actually if you knew where I work and what my job is you’d probably cry bitter tears of anger. Hint: it’s way better than anything you’ll do in your entire life”