Good retort you’re clearly an educated person who has a good grasp on this issue.
Good retort you’re clearly an educated person who has a good grasp on this issue.
fuck the churches
Forced? Hahaha.
No you’re right there’s no issue with church goes double parking across the entire city on sundays and then bitching if anyone asks them no to.
No one gives a fuck about your fucking baby and if it is interrupting other people speaking during a professional event that is absolutely not the place for it.
Oh look another idiotic article about nothing. The people in the photo have shows that currently air. Samantha Bee does not.
What the guy who is analyzing this intelligently and objectively instead of bitching about it for ideological reasons.
liar, you’re lying.
Haha, you’re an idiot.
You’re a disgusting person. Good thing writing for this rag is probably the highlight of your professional career that will likely culminate in 30 years of being paid pennies to bitch about white people on some much...much less prominant blog.
Well I mean it literally would have. By definition. You’re not strong on stuff like being accountable for what you write though. It’s much easier to think of things solely in racial terms.
Then make your own film peter pan instead of telling other people to literally change history so your stupid whims can be satisfied and you can come off as some sort of moral superior....which is hilarious.
It’s so funny and sassy when you post the same thing over and over again in response to legitimate questions.
Great contribution. You know you work for a website thats a god damn joke right? I mean.... this is feminism as imagined by some 13 year old girl who doesn’t understand context or nuance.
Yeah they could have just rewritten history to make a benign social point so that they can satisfy people like you that bitch about literally everything.
No one gives a shit what you think about anything Kara.
In all honesty what is wrong with you? I mean that seriously.
Because they’re “just the kind of person that doesn’t care about tv or whatever.” People can contort their brains a lot of different ways if they think they’re coming off as sophisticated.
They were the first, and that is indeed a great story. Also took huge casulties at Gettysburg and have a memorial in their honor there.
Well this is dumb and wrong.