
Havent played it in a while but looks like he just let it go straight and didn’t bother to aim down to go lower at all. So looks more like player mistake than mechanic game mechanic mistake to me.

People just dont understand boxing nowadays.
Mayweather is a technical defensive boxer. Thats always been who he was.
Yeah the guys an asshole but his boxing style is damn near perfect for what it is.

Star Wars 1313, anyone?

Oh no, you gotta give green to get green.

Get all your outposts up and running around your base ASAP. It doesn’t matter if it has resources to produce or not (at least to me), all that matters is that the outposts envelope the area you’re going to do most of your scavenging in. Any zombies that entire the zone explode, entire hordes go up in flames and you

I can’t wait to see ebay tomorrow. “PS4 with ULTRA RARE DISCONTINUED P.T. installed! Console only, no controller, cables, box, manual, etc” Bidding starts €999.99

Always test mirrors if you're in a room with one. Put your fingernail against the glass. There should be a gap between your finger and its reflection. If there's no gap, you got a two-way mirror.

Venturas, ranked: