Nice! Gimme some fivesies…turning it into a snake.
Its biggest dips have usually lined up with March Madness and DST. Interestingly, it has a lot of audience overlap with sports (it hit a season low this season up against baseball.)
thanks :)
we'd love to see some more of you stick around here, promise we won't bite!
Neogaf has a very good discussion thread, too.
No thanks, we're getting plenty already.
I wholeheartedly agree. I actually have one of the excerpts from it saved on my phone so ai can read it whenever.
This is going on my college resume. I'm not joking.
Group hug!
Just saw the trailer on the Soup. Holy schnikey. You guys weren't lying.
Oooh, it's exciting to see that K-pop has made it across to America. Good stuff.
All good points, and the prospect of Community getting some actual promotion is nice to think about.
It's a psychological thing. Makes viewers desire it more.
On a random note, there's a poster named "I love CBS" on the TVbtn comment boards that makes me fear for America's future.
How in the world did 30 Rock DROP against repeat competition? It the audience for it so small that it's basically independent of that trend?
That article should just have been a bunch of pictures: the title cards for 2 Broke Girls, Rob!, I Hate My Teenage Daughter, Chelsea, and Work It!
Never mind.
Good news, y'all.
It's from Paradigms, where Jeff and Britta conned the entire group into taking the blame for destroying a house.