
I basically love all the Christnas songs that are slow and moody. Really drives home the sadness of the holidays and makes me remember just how blessed I am.

Not necessarily true. After attending school here, I can attest that the curriculum is still incredibly fixed and doesn't reward individual thought at all. You guys hear about the great test scores in national comparisons, but that leaves out a lot of things, like the number of kids who are disillusioned with the

It's a foreign language school. I'm studying for college in the states :)

I love the way the children's choir singing The First Noel starts off in the background and just swells up. One of the most rousing musical cues in the series.

Vicki cameo awww yeeeaaahhh

That's one of my favorite Britta points ever..
Also, this is such an exploitative song for Shirley, hahaa.

Bwain burty understandy Christmas..
Boopy boopy boop doop sex!

Teach me how to understand me how to open a box!

Shit, I take an afternoon nap..waking up at 11.

Welcome to Fluffytown! No smoking, pillow fights, or farting. Otherwise, you're as good as gold.

Gentlemen, settle down. There's room to hate on both of them.

I've converted quite a few of my friends…but I live in Korea. So.


Thanks. You get full cutie marks, as long as you don't ask about how I know that term.

So after some TVTropin' I stumbled across the My Little Pony "Cupcakes" fanfic page…


I must ask…is anybody here a post-rock fan? If you haven't heard a 65daysofstatic album, they are so good.

It's better than Avatar, I'd rather GOUGE MY EYES OUT!

Britta's dancing in that video floored me.

I was so unpopular in high school, the crossing guard tried to lure me into traffic! *sob*