
A Tuesday block would be perfect for NBC.

It'd be interesting if it somehow grew from there, though there's a 0.00001% chance of that happening. Would we see it anchor a night at 9, or would it stay in the Monday at 10 slot?

Not to mention the fact that it grew in every half hour, hitting a 7.7 at 9:30.

Voice - 6.6 in the demo
Smash - 3.8 in the demo

Devastated Intro just missed out on the top 30. It was my #7.

I just died.

Here's a meta question for everybody: what's your favorite promo image?

Football, Feminism and You at 40? By Zeus, what kind of jackassery is this?

One more Outsourced fan here. Shame it got cancelled right when things were heating up.

#8 vote for Basic Genealogy? Janine Restrepo, where you at?

I like it, but there's too much good stuff in Community for 'like' to make it into the top 30.

I think I figured out which one I missed. Psyched to see the list.

Remedial Chaos Theory
Modern Warfare
Cooperative Calligraphy
Contemporary American Poultry
Mixology Certification

Pretty good. Not in love yet, but with time I could be.

That is the upside of it, sure.

At this point, I kinda want somebody to just walk in there, throw up their hands, say "Screw the ratings!" and just pump out as much awesome shows as possible. That approach may not be as highly-rated as CBS, but I guarantee it'd be a hell of a lot better than Playboy, Free Agents, Whitney, Chelsea, or The Firm (known

It's still kinda dickish of Alec to complain about that, though. Community has been in that slot for two and a half years and I don't recall any of our castmembers whining about it. Your show, on the other hand, got three years behind the Office and is only being put in that slot just now.

God, NBC should start a Ruiner's Club.

Community is pretty much responsible for spiking my interest in all things television and media. It's really offered me quite a bit of insight into the crazy world of fandom.

I want to print this and hang it on my wall.