
My Top 30? I would post it if I had a way to copy it from an earlier page (this iPhone sucks for AVClubbin' but since we have Internet firewalls it's the only way.)

I agree with Nathan's post 100%.

It is in mine :)
It's a lot better in retrospect: it captures the large themes of the show without going Glee on us, it moves incredibly quickly, and there are tons of fun details to suss out.

In between the debates about the best and worst episodes, what are some episodes that you find are underrated gems?

We got a really good scene of the Dean panicking, though, and a pretty good Jeff/Britta plot (and probably one of the better uterus sight gags on a sitcom). I didn't love the handshake subplot, but it was passable as a time killer.

I HATED Competitive Wine when it came out, and I still don't like it now. It may be the only episode where my favorite character was determined purely by who opened their mouth the least.

1. Competitive Ecology
2. Competitive Wine Tasting
3. Custody Law and Eastern European Diplomacy

This is going to seem like whoring, but I consider you guys family now, so please hear me out:

1. Seoul, South Korea. Was born in LA, resided in South Pasadena (Alison Brie's hometown!!) for ten years.
2. Not really, though I'm happy a few of my friends watch the show so we can talk about it. Otherwise, I'm on my own. Also, EVERYONE watches the Big Bang Theory. I want to rub Purell on my brain.
3. The only way

ugh double post

Makeshift demographic-y survey (because it's 12:30 and I can't sleep!)

Reminds me of the incredible Conan O'Brien's speech on his last episode about cynicism

iCarly! would beg to differ.

No reviews, but I've seen the pilot ( it's on iTunes for the curious) and really enjoyed it. For all the theatrics, the characters have been very well drawn and the dialogue flows very well. I know a lot of people are going to dismiss it outright because of the mindrape Ryan Murphy has committed upon America with

10:30 at Thursday—very low-risk, allows for something like Bent/BFF to get a little more exposure at the 10 hour, and NBC will gladly take a 1.8 there.

Sadly, Smash is actually really damn good. Besides, it's about time NBC catches a break.

It's not so much him as the idiots managing the show pages on Facebook, but sure, whatever gets the disdain for NBC across.

Wow, NBC tried to advertise Smash on the Community Facebook page by referring to Katherine McPhee as Amber. Right now, they're getting….well. Check out the carnage for yourself.

Paging Bear Grylls' public relations assistant as we speak..

3. Advanced Gay