
And I know I’ve said this before, but some people keep saying “Well, he asked first!” as though that makes it better, but the question in and of itself is offensive at work. If you work at an insurance company and your boss is like, “Good job with those claims, can I masturbate in front of you?” you’d rightfully be

Here it might be worth mentioning — as an observation, not an excuse — that 17 is about when serious mental illness kicks in for boys. Add extremely farked brain wiring/chemical imbalance to the group identity pressures that peak right around there, put them in a man’s body, and you have the makings of a violent

Speaking as someone who’s high school look (back in the 90’s), could be described as school-shooter-chic, who had an interest in firearms and history and would go on to get a degree in European History focusing on Nazi Germany, let me break down this kid’s ideology: it’s the Cult of the Badass.

Yes. I read the FOUR links that I posted upthread and the ZERO links that you posted.

You posted an excerpt from a newspaper article with no link or date.

So... what. Do you need me to take the text you cherrypicked and posted without it’s whole context available for people to evaluate and google it for you in order to

Yeah, thanks for making my point for me. My birth cert still says female, so by the rules you are championing, I would be locked in with women. You have failed at recognizing transgender men exist, which was my entire point.

So we’re supposed to put trans women (they’re women, by the way, you puzzlewit) in danger because you had an unverifiable bad interaction with one or two? Well, here, let me make my own claims: I had a TERF threaten to sexually assault and then kill me. She said she and her Alliance Defending Freedom buddies were

Well, I can’t speak for others, but when I see people using hypotheticals to argue against trans people’s safety and inclusion, that reads like pretty shitty behavior to me. And when I see someone using TRRF-style speech (such as calling trans women “trans-identified men”), I’m gonna call it out as such. If people

Your hatred for trans folks is clear, and your insistence on hurting all of them based on one unverifiable bad interaction is pathetic.

I see you trying to throw in “Sympathy for his families loss . . .”; trying to pretend you’re not a malignant a$$hole. You missed the mark. If “Darwinism” was waiting around the corner to take out every 15 year old who did something stupid, none of us would making it to 16. That includes you, you bubbling sh*tbag.

This person is using “trans identified men” in place of trans women, which is classic TERF rhetoric. You won’t make any progress with them.

What a surprise, women having to move out of their own spaces that were granted FOR A REASON, because people with penises demand it is so

If you expect other people to be quarantined for your own comfort? Fuck yes, you are.

And, quite frankly, I am not sympathetic whatsoever to my fellow rape victims that would put other women at risk of being raped because they make you uncomfortable. As both a cis woman and a rape victim, I value other women’s safety

Inmates who threaten other inmates with rape or assault should be treated the same regardless of their assigned gender at birth. The bad behavior of an individual trans person doesn’t justify discriminating against trans people generally.

Surprise! Moving women out of their own spaces is literally what you suggested doing to trans women.

Trans women are women, and you don’t get to shove them out of our spaces just because a dick makes you uncomfortable. Your comfort is not any more important than theirs or mine. Your vagina doesn’t mean you get special

These people are purely attacking transgender women. I guarantee they have never considered trans men. This would put a transgender man like me, who looks as cis as they come, into a women’s prison. I am not the one that would be at risk in this scenario. I would be the one that would have access to female prisoners.

No sympathy for this child? Really?


I miscarried into a toilet. The fetus was just a few weeks old, but I knew from the amount of blood that it happened. I was 15, the pregnancy was from rape, so I didn’t even look as I flushed.

This. I was present when someone miscarried. She was a teenager and so she couldn’t really lie in bed with a bunch of towels she had to explain to her parents. She stayed in the bathroom because that’s what you do when you have diarrhea (which is I think what she was pretending) and so the fetus went in the toilet.

I couldn’t say. It does underline, though, that we need safe, affordable, and sterile spaces for women to terminate pregnancies. In every hospital, in every city, in every state.