
Yeah, season 2-now were all pretty bad

There’s how many Law & Order, CSI, and NCIS shows out there?  

I would like to offer you this star.

Doodley, indeedily.

He actually spoke normally for a lot of his lines. I always figured that was a thing he developed as he became a mentor to make the listener actually listen and think about what he was saying. I too wish they hadn’t Flanderized his speech so haphazardly.

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier - “What does God need with a starship?”

I’d love to make this is a recurring feature for io9, so feel free to reply with some of your own scene suggestions! 

This movie series reinforces an important life lesson that I’m passing along to my son.

I think my husband and I watched a different movie from other people, if the comments are anything to go by.

I agree! Definitely would’ve been a good one to include, also every list can use more vampires!

Dr. Teeth’s rating is waaaaay to low.

Seems weird for Stillwater to not be in this list...

I’m going to assume that the Tap was number 1, 2, and 3 in the original list, and then the editor said “We need comments and clicks, so remove them.”

Really?  No mention of these guys?

I feel like Marvin Berry and the Starlighters could’ve been something. But that replacement guitarist was too darn loud.

Glaring omission:

Obviously they could explain the daughters thing with time travel manipulation, but I much prefer the idea that they were daughters the whole time, and B&T just still named them after each other anyway and the audience assumed that the babies were boys.

Counterpoint: the original is a masterpiece that totally holds up. 

I blame these two guys.

Don’t blame me, I voted Kodos for Blue Valley School Board.