Get your reasonably priced snake oil here...
Get your reasonably priced snake oil here...
Get your reasonably priced snake oil here...
Get your reasonably priced snake oil here...
My political evolution happened over time as I came to realize that I valued truth and reason over narrative and emotion.
“Are you employed, sir?”
To be fair, that’s an Australian cow. It’s size is greatly exaggerated by the Mercator projection.
The NHL realized that first and foremost, the game is there to entertain the fans watching and no one wants to watch offsides after offsides. Maybe it’s just part of the overall attention-deficit culture we seem to live in now, but we want scoring. No one wants to go to a football game to watch a punt-fest or a hockey…
A single rule change in how offsides is handled would dramatically open the game up. The old NASL had a great rule about the 35-yard line.
I’ll be your DH. That’s been my favorite superhero movie since I first saw it. It’s majestic. A little off-putting at times, but mostly glorious.
Eh, it loses too many marks for taking Kevin Spacey (before everyone knew) and having him just do a Gene Hackman impression. Imagine how good of a Lex Luthor he could have been if they hadn’t handed him a gaggle of idiot sidekicks and another damn real estate scheme.
It’s kind of great.
Hockey made changes to how passing is allowed precisely to increase flow and scoring. The game was being bogged down (and incredibly boring) by trap-style defenses. It’s a lot more exciting to watch and emphasizes speed and skilled passing.
Futbol/soccer could do well to make similar changes.
Having two of the best teams in the league, both of which are stocked with young stars, play on a field that could very easily lead to any number of those young stars being seriously injured seems like a self-evidently bad idea.
“Only pussies question that”
Lmao, sound intellectual argument here. Why not just use the word ‘snowflakes’ and be done with it.
Famous nihilists insist, “No, we care about this one thing now.”
Why do they have to want something from the NFL ???
What they want is to raise awareness of societal problems. The NFL, if they had any sense whatsoever, never would’ve gotten themselves involved in the first place, stated that their players have their own voices and don’t speak for the league itself, and let them…
As amazing as some of this sounds, I think you’ve actually talked me out of getting it right away. I get enough decay and despair from, well, everything these days. I want escapism from my gaming experience right now.
As I said, “Don’t let the door hit ya.” This obviously isn’t the site for you then.
The problem many prequels have is the desire to explain things that didn’t need explaining, or to fill in the blanks between all the things you already know, or to set stuff up that already worked just fine without being retroactively set up. The pitfalls are really no different from a film that’s intended to launch a…
What does a bad batch of flu vaccines 42 years ago have to do with anything?
Lawsuits exist to ensure that when people cause damage, and are at fault for causing that damage, that person is held liable for causing that damage. Legally, we decided long ago that damages in the form of emotional and mental distress, even though they aren’t strictly quantifiable the way that property damage or…
Hopefully she’s able to get away while his foot is stuck.