
When I was in high school and playing D&D, I loved the combat. But now it just feels so disproportionately long relative to everything else. I like to think that I’ve gotten better about making combats more relevant to the story, so they feel like the stakes are higher, but if you have more than one fight a session,

I highly recommend “The Adventure Zone” podcast for those looking for an “actual play podcast”

No, you’re right about this. I still think my favorite sequence in any of the individual Mission: Impossible movies is the whole entire Burj Khalifa section of Ghost Protocol. From the time they arrive in Dubai to when the sandstorm clears suddenly at the end of the big car/foot chase, it’s amazing. And for as much as

I’m not a New Yorker. I don’t live in New York.

I fully expect to be shredded for this take, but I think for me—for me, only for this guyFallout will end up being a movie I re-watch more than Fury Road (which I also loved). Fury Road is amazing, but its version of the world is so relentlessly bleak and unpleasant that I have a hard time getting through it now that

It’s amazing how many people cant grasp this concept of Rotten Tomatoes. It also perfectly explains how 95% of critics would say the Last Jedi is at the very least a decent flick, while 50% of Star Wars fan boys think it is the worlds most egregious piece of film making

“I deeply regret those tweets and apologize to everyone that I offended.  I will be donating a portion of my allowance to charities that provide support to at-risk LGBTQ youth.  I realize that what I did was inexcusable, but I ask the public to understand that when I tweeted those things I had a brain the size of a

cue the discovery of his homophobic tweets as a fetus

Dwight Howard is so toxic that one of the league’s most difficult personalities coming off an Achilles tear was somehow still the safer choice.

I believe him. It’s kind of like this girl who’s really interested in me but I just don’t want to date right now. She’s a model. You guys wouldn’t know her though, she lives in Canada.

Yep, it’d be a boring old world if we all had the same taste:)

In what world is La Jolla and Coronado not a traffic hellscape? You have to drive through San Diego area traffic to get to those places, and that traffic suuuuucks.

Kobe Bryant lived (and lives) in Newport Coast, and would drive an hour or more each way to avoid living in LA. That said, LA is great if you have a lot of money. Walk through Brentwood - it looks pretty good on the outside.

Gotta give him credit though, he destroyed his legacy in under 30 minutes.

Eh. It’s less that I’m trying to demonize the individual than I am trying to contextualize the farcical nature of the arguments levied to defend the behavior—but, hey, a read’s a read. If that’s what you took from it, I either could’ve been clearer, or we were never going to see eye to eye—and that’s fine.

As for the

Stronger individuals definitely lead to stronger groups; on that count I will not argue.

However, attempting to force someone to “toughen up” by establishing standards that work for you is unlikely to produce positive results at all times (this doesn’t even work with 100% efficiency in the various branches of the US

I’m given to occasionally feeling like we go a bit overboard, too—but if a particular community prefers to be referred to by particular terms, it costs us nothing to do that.

If instead of “handicapped,” the word “disabled,” is preferred, then it’s easy enough to go with that...or with something else.

I’m not attacking

Has anyone ever thrown hands over an insult? Certainly.

Has someone been killed over an insult? Oh, absolutely.

Does it happen frequently—or at least frequently enough to cause sufficient concern that “linguistic impact training” would be a viable solution?

I somehow doubt it.

The whole, “well, has this ever happened”

I’d say that change is possible, but it’s unlikely to occur within our lifetimes. This is because it is so inextricably bound to an attempt to insult or otherwise denigrate members of the LGBTQ+ community in living memory that you’re not going to run into a great many people who will think to themselves, “Oh, they

Dude, you lost me when you ran straight to the slippery slope fallacy of, “If we don’t toughen people up by making them hear these words, they’ll get triggered and murder people!”

There’s a pretty broad gulf between, “someone gets offended,” and, “someone decides to murder someone else over an offense of language.”