Keep them out. Keep them the fuck OUT.
Thank FUCK. I don’t want them here either. The countries that have allowed open borders to these people are turning into 3rd world shitholes faster than you can blink. Rape? Up. Robbery? Up. Assault and murder? Both up. They can’t behave, all they do is bring their shit into places that can’t handle it.
Journalistic ethics? Why would someone need that?
Ethics in journalism? But Kotaku told me this was a joke!
Yes, you are arguing with someone more educated than you are. As evidenced by your inability to contradict my points and your “opinions” you get on GG from the sites they are investigating for corruption.
I guess I never really got behind that rule. Both times a girl hit me, in grade 3 and grade 9, I cranked the shit out of her. This was back before things got super PC though, so nothing really came of it.
There isn’t a body type out there that a woman can have that will mitigate the advantage that a man who trained as a fighter and then transitioned will have. You might have a point if the transition took place at or around puberty, but some hormones and a dick snip are never going to change a man enough that they…
Also, you are completely out of your league in your statements about transwomen. You aren’t just going to get rid of the size, muscle mass, reaction time and skeletal frame that you get from living as a man all your life. You guys can be all hug boxy and deny reality and biology all you want, but a recent woman does…
Taking nude pics is a privacy violation, not sexual assault. It also does not justify assault and battery. Or do I have the right to break my gf’s jaw if she were to take pics of me?
We could also take a minute to talk about how she beat the shit out of her ex boyfriend and no charges were pressed.
Ah yes, the Dorito Pope.
And now we wait for all the “totally not racists” to whine about how he isn’t black enough.
Linkle, not female Link. Note the lack of the Master Sword.
I would have preferred Cecil, but this works I guess.
I’m just amazed that women can actually be charged for sex crimes. Provided the victim is also a woman, of course.
Great. Shill out a system with no support to a market that buys up DQ like a drug addiction. Nothing fucked up about that.