
White people or males were never mentioned. It’s lazy, biased journalism. If you don’t care, thats all well and good. We’ll be having our second yearly conference with the Society of Professional Journalists in March, who command a far greater respect than sites like Gawker. That is, unless we get more bomb threats

I’m not interested in op eds or unverified claims made in the media. You said GG were planning and bragging on their forums, and I want to see it directly. Show me where they were doing that.

I’m glad that Kotaku can talk about this without the editorializing that Jez tried to shoehorn in. Although trying to casually link it to GG is why Luke has a page on

So now it’s statutory as well, then?

And yet here we are, with the kind of journalism that started GG in the first place.

Reg Tidswell raped me in college. I don’t have to provide proof, because the people asking for proof are foaming at the mouth.

Post the link, please.

Now playing

Seems appropriate for this “lumping together.”

You can check out for more info on that.

I wasn’t aware that asking for a connection was “frothing at the mouth.”

It’s Anna Merlan. She’s still pissed that Sargon blew her the fuck out in a debate on GG ages ago. So now she makes these passive aggressive jabs. Notice how there was no claim in the article about GG being involved?

Do you have statistic to prove that swatting is mainly used by white males? My point was that GG is a popular group to blame anytime a snowflake stubs it’s toe, much like the right loves to blame Muslims for everything.

Do you have instances of pGG swatting people, verified with proof connecting the attacks to GG? Because otherwise it isn’t a “known tactic.” The method of dealing with corrupt politicians is to attack their credibility, not make them martyrs.

Still mad about that debate with Sargon, are we Anna?

There isn’t a claim being made that GG was behind it to begin with. Unless you have proof of that being the case. Do you have proof of that being the case?

Does any proof exist that GG had anything to do with this? I suppose that we could just as easily blame Muslims, amirite?

There exists no reason to believe that GG had anything to do with this. Clark never even made that claim. This is editorializing by Merlan because she has a hate boner for GG stemming back from when she tried to debate Sargon of Akkad on the subject and failed miserably.

Do you have any proof what so ever that this had anything to do with GG? Because r/kotakuinaction only heard about this today, and there isn’t anything on 8ch about it at all. Or twitter.

It means that victimizing someone is not excused by being a victim of someone else. She deserves to be put on trial whether she recants or not, and if found guilty she needs to be in prison.

You forgot the best part about [UNSOLICITED OPINIONS ON ISRAEL]