
I feel this.

Oh yeah. I get this a LOT from relatives and friends, particularly now that my mother is getting older and developing some health issues. Will I be sad when my mother dies? Sure. I’m guessing I’ll also be relieved, angry, frustrated, and a whole raft of other emotions. This shit isn’t simple. However, I’m positive

“Although I appreciate everyone’s concern, it would have been much more appreciated at any time during my childhood.”

This is my personal favorite. From the Sedona Community Cemetery, Sedona, Arizona. And it is real.

It’s really hard right now. I’m turning 33 Monday yet I walked into Forever21 last month and was like “What year is this?” It seriously almost looked like 1997 in there and I suddenly felt like I was in 7th grade again and I was suddenly too fat and not cool enough again.

She absolutely deserved that humiliation and more. This is a woman who defends his racist, sexist, homophobic policies. She deserves that and more. Frankly, I’d be fine with a livecast of her head being shaven in a public square when this administration is finally over.

That’s pretty wild. I’m burning out on all of the evil in the world lately. Now, not just immigrants but people who have become actual citizens are going to be targeted for not having any money and for needing assistance? For being a “burden” on us good ol’ natural-born Americans? It’s beyond disgusting. And I never