
Crack pipe, at any price.

@Gregg Searles: Actually, if you've paid any attention, it's hasn't "begun" yet. Expect the return of Major Boothroyd in the next Bond flick.

@FrankN.Stein: Hear hear! For as long as Desmond Llewelyn remains dead, John Cleese is a brilliant Q.

@Foohy: I don't really do the +/- scale, but... damn straight!

It's a KIA with XXtra-Soul.

@Pyrowrx: I've examined the Spy Museum's DB5 from as many angles as possible, without being asked to leave. It's definitely a replica of some sort - kitted-up to look just like Bond's ride.

@pinshot: Yep, next they'll probably drop my security clearance. :)

The more I find out about this, the more I keep finding myself shrugging and thinking "he's got a point..."

I bet the guys from G-Oil could do a little something with that.

@humjaba: Missing caption: "Let's go. NOW!"

That "castrated" sound bite was a really tight edit, probably absent a larger context.

It's a gas station. I would've hosed the off-duty prick down with some 93 octane, got out my Zippo, and presto - one less pig waiting in line to get roasted.

@yoda2: Well, I'm media, which means I get myself and usually one sidekick on the guest list. I usually don't get to touch a regular 4-day pass...

@Leaaky: "Epic" is soooo 2009. Truth In 24 is just DAMN GOOD.

@Vexorg: Take it from a nine year Petit vet, who's also covered Sebring 7 times - both are absolutely fantastic races, each far different from the other, and BOTH really need to be attended, to be fully appreciated.

@Pessimippopotamus: Complain, complain, and complain some more. And, when you get a viable alternative, DUMP TW/RR for a ISP that won't cheat its way around net neutrality.

The DC area was caught with its dick in its hand last Feb by Snowpocalypse — a double-whammy with 2 feet of snow in Jan followed soon after by another 3 feet in Feb (with drifts up to 5'). Most readings certified it as the heaviest snowfall in the area's history - and it was certainly the most in my life.