
No way, 40,000 years, i will have died and been born 533.33333333333 times. if i die at the age of 75 each time

Jesus Jesus.... why be so negative towards a 5 star company

And another PC company slowly begins to fall to it's knees....

right at :50, its left arm looks very handy.....

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This song really sums up my desire to be at this park!

@pixelsnader: oh, only if people these days knew how to drive...

@pixelsnader: or thier lights get punched out by other cars.

@Thrawn: Really Microsoft????!

@sweetelectro: this uses the principle that the Blackberry Storm uses to type on. The iPad is the Role Model to this thing, except this thing was made cheaply

Now playing

This is the worst decision Microsoft has ever made ever since they hired this soda machine...


Considering how much its lacking... i dont give a crap, its stupid no to have the quality of the iPad.