
I’m sorry but no, net neutrality is about saying that ISP (mobile or not) cannot allow different speeds for different contents.

It’s not free; people would be paying $80/month (plus taxes and fees) for this service.

My little sister and I were both born in the 80’s, and there was always a bottle of ipecac at our house. One time my sister, probably around the age of two, ate like half a bottle of children’s purple Tylenol tablets and my mom gave her ipecac syrup. She puked and puked and then when she had stopped for a bit, my mom

By ignore do you mean include?

You’re the version of a video game fuckboy.

Oh well, if people want to get a piece of plastic that comes with a video game, LET THEM! it’s their money, not yours. An in a year after release, you will most likely NEVER find one of those at a local Gamestop or Best Buy. Does your Gamestop still sell the Oblivion or GTA IV collector’s editions? Remember

Think long and hard about exactly what the “Pip-Boy” that everyone is freaking out about is...a clunky piece of plastic you use to wear your phone on your wrist.

Last I checked though the amount of split-screen games on the PC can be counted on one hand. And I don’t mean games where you can hack split-screen like L4D but true split-screen. Its not just about being on the couch in front of a big screen HDTV but “couch co-op”.

Gamestop can’t go bankrupt fast enough.

It looks cool now but after 5 minutes of wearing it you’ll take it off and then it’ll be another piece of plastic taking up space. If you’re a collector of those things fine, but for the majority of us that’s what I think will happen.

One of the most common excuses I hear from people who preorder is that they like being able to go to the store and put down $5 here, $5 there... drop a little bit of money from their paycheque here and there as they see fit. That is quite honestly, the laziest, sorriest excuse for preordering what could be garbage

It should be a no for all platforms. Don’t support crap publishers.

What a weird point to make, considering the PC market was doing more than fine before the market expanded into consoles as much as it did. Consoles most definitely did not “save” the PC, nor is the place the PC is at now because of consoles in any way made better. It’s just so weird reading opinions like that.

This is why we shouldn’t have consoles.

Agree, I like my plate gone because then I can put my elbows on the table or fiddle with whatever items are on the table while we converse.

Ms. Average Person here and I like my plates to be pre-bussed. And I’m also not insulted if there is food left on my plate and I’m eating a bite here and there, I’m not offended if they ask if I’m finished.

Does this motherfucker not understand that this is what WE ARE EXPECTED TO DO BY EVERY CUSTOMER? Every time you complain about us taking away your dirty dishes, we get complained at 500 times more for not removing fucking garbage. You OCD weirdshits.

My dad and I had a HUGE (but civil) disagreement over this back when this first aired. I, as a kid, knew they’d find a way to save Picard and everything would go back to normal. He, as an adult, thought that Riker would be given command of the Enterprise, they’d still save Picard, but Picard would get bumped up to

The day my childhood died.

Not a cliffhanger but....