I have this argument with my mom every season. If you want any to watch good dancing, watch pros! Fuck outta here with this amateur hour shit. Twitch is where it’s at.
I have this argument with my mom every season. If you want any to watch good dancing, watch pros! Fuck outta here with this amateur hour shit. Twitch is where it’s at.
On 11/18/03 the Massachusetts Supreme Court overturned the state’s gay marriage ban. I recall spending about 20 hours over the next several days reading every legal analysis of the decision I could find. On the political side, the Bush admin was pushing Medicare reform and lefties were mobilizing against that.…
I didn’t watch, but it was on so I heard it as background noise and I could never make out one discernible song - they all blended together as one terrible “sound”.
But they could have just played Prince performances for 20m, and it would have been miles better.
We never did get our one testicle.
Not if you live in the country, though. My folks work outside all the time and don’t take their phones because it’s so easy to destroy phones on a farm. And they haven’t physically locked their house in 20 years.
Pets outnumbering humans terrifies me! We hit that number last year, and suddenly I’m obsessing about the house burning down and being able to get them all out.
You do know this was planned, right?
Superb Owl
It must be possible to discuss the double standard at play, beginning at the reasonable observation that the stunt was a stunt. To my eye, two people conspired to flash a boob on live television. If one should face consequences, they both should—and Timberlake didn’t. That is wrong, and it’s an important discussion to…
The amount of wasted energy this website has given to telling us how much we need to hate Justin Timberlake is exhausting.
Nothing brings out the haters like getting engaged to a royal. NOTHING.
Well, I’ve worked on the Hill, so that doesn’t really make it better for me.
This teacher is absolutely a cuntknucle, but Jesus that little proverb drives me crazy. I, and many teachers I know, are dedicated, capable, and very smart and could have had all sorts of lucrative careers, but *chose* teaching. There are teachers who went into it because they didn’t know what to do, but many of us…
I’d count holding a teaching degree in a subject as proof of an ability to “do” said subject.
Indeed. It’s a very strange battle to be fighting. And that the person shouting down Rose talking about her abuse is themselves an acused abuser just makes the whole situation even sketchier.
Andi Dier was trolling an obviously emotionally fragile woman. I’m not sure why Mortal Dictata and others feel the need to reward her behavior by treating her like it was some brave speaking truth to power moment. It’s just manipulative, messy, and sad.
One issue people who don’t eat pork have with those who do eat it is how smart pigs are [...] but a good thing about pig is that there’s very minimal waste; basically everything is used for food.