
Done deal!

Agree: face rip with a bonus jaw attachment.

I'm going to say that the Japanese corporation (the one who sent the thugs to the Republicunt party) is going to find a cure. Think about it: everything is profit-driven in the world. They had a corner on the market for Tru Blood. Now some slimey ex-Christian Buddhist-wannabe evil whore (who let her mom die in a

Thanks. Good to know. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to writing my gay erotica.

Lafayette has had some seriously awesome material written for him—and some seriously awesome acting to go with it. Tara not so much. Nelsan Ellis must be credited with bringing that character to some serious life. Sure, the plots are hokey (I'm not even going to address the Mexico plotline), but Lafayette makes

Lafayette makes life worth living, hooker.

I thought I was hallucinating. Thanks for reaffirming my sanity. (Or at least the part that has to do with True Blood.)

I think that the show began with Bill's entrance into Sookie's life and will end with his exit. The flashbacks are hopefully leading up to that bookend. (Kind of like how Lost began and ended with a closeup of Jack's eye? Only not as powerful or meaningful.) It's the "home again" ending. Or, if you prefer, the "There

Hear, hear! On both counts. :D
I like you, Muggle… you're all right with me. Hm. I wonder if I have some Helix around here…

I LIKE the title, though I dare say most Americans (even college educated ones) do not know what the word means. Nevertheless, that would even serve to give it a "creepy weird name-word" title. It's just the pronunciation that makes me want to smash my face into the monitor. Repeatedly. Until I'm no longer extant.

Or the writers were.

Thank you for the excellent discussion.

I think you're correct on both scores, phodreaw. The bit about "survival of the fittest" and being "weak" or "strong" kind of made my inner paleontologist rip her eyes out. It's not about being fit, weak, or strong. It's about being the most appropriate organism for one's particular ecological niche. But why ruin a

I want to love this show, but the "ex-TANT" pronunciation of the title drives me batshit crazy. I know it's a legit English pronunciation, but it sounds wrong, like the proverbial nail on a chalkboard (which dates me since now nobody has chalkboards, only whiteboards?). It should be "EX-t'nt." I have spoken.

The reason they sleep for short intervals is because they have to feed very frequently. (Eric feeds on the plane, Eric feeds later at Fangtasia, for instance.) Otherwise their deterioration accelerates and they die. They require a near-constant supply of fresh, clean blood.

Nah. The Corporation will have a supply of Tru Blood for the survivors. Wait and see.

We already got to see Tara shot in the head and die and stuff. One Tara death should be enough for anyone. That's why they did it off-screen. More emotional impact.

OMG that is so funny. (And true.) Thank you. Thank you.

But the thing is: do we really understand The Guilty Remnant yet? ARE they as horrible as they seem? What is their real goal? Their understanding? They are utterly non-violent yet persistent. They are, in fact, ready to be religious martyrs… But for what? Until we understand them, I can't pass judgement.

Sometimes, the path of suffering is the right path—if we're being religiously philosophical.