
No scientific experience at all and he is a racist to boot. Someone, Bannon I believe it was, stated that everyone of Dumpsters cabinet picks were done to destroy that department. Good thing the racist withdrew, he got a fair hearing. He was not qualified in any form, including having a soul. The racism alone should

Goku would still want to fight, just to see who is better. But once he looked at this guys power level, he wouldn’t bother with him. The rest would beat him as well.

More bullshit from the Liar in Chief. A sweetheart tax deal? No taxes for how many years? Doesn’t Apple already hide its profits offshore anyways?

The most corrupt administration in US history, even more so than Nixon’s or Reagan’s.

I thought that there were permanent recording devices in the Oval Office and other places in the WH. Nixon erased minutes from tapes of his discussions and it was reported that Dumpster turned off the recording devices when he spoke to Russia a few times. I doubt there will be any UNEDITED tapes turned over if any at

I usually don’t use this exclaimitve in such posts as this but: fuck InfoWars, fuck Alex Jones, fuck Dumpster.


And no. The party for the corporations is the repub/CONervative one. There are dem’s nearly as bad but not the majority of them. The simple fact of coal is it is getting to expensive to get out of the ground. Natural gas also has kicked it very hard. As a nation, we need to start moving to more sustainable and less

Oh, Shitler knows it isn’t true. he is just grabbing at all kind of things to distract his Russian problem. Looks like there was nothing to the Russian scandal, he would help it by releasing records and such but no, he has to try and stop it and/or get the gop in Congress/Senate to stop the investigation.

Not exactly sure why it would be missing but the hard facts on adoption are not easy as you idnicated on cost and such. The screening process is thorough, costs out the yin yang. Even with all that, there are around 400,000 children up for adoption. Only few people will even bother with it.

The whole Dumpster Trumpster group, along with the rest of the fascist gop, are a bad joke on such a level that it is hard to comprehend just how bad.

Straight up, the poster in the Guardian photo above looks similar enough to a photo Star Trek Online uses that I thought that is what it was.

brightlessbarf is nothing but a RWNJ propaganda site. Around 97% of scientists say global warming/climate change is real and may soon be irreversible. The polluters say nay but that is because it would mean them losing money. I will go with real science over alternate facts any day.

He lost again with his comment about not needing immigrates from incompatable areas? Where would that be Heir Asshat? While there is racism from all sides, the majority is from white CONservatives, the ones who got Shitler installed as POTUS.

Don’t forget that Dumpster left off several Muslim countries out that actually killed(the terrorists from there) Americans because he does business in those countries. None of the ones on the ban have had terrorists kill Americans.

And no. They are nothing alike. She has actual leadership skills, not insane, not a fascist, her cabinet would not have consisted of people that have postitions opposite of the dept he assgned them, and so much more. Saying the dem and repub’s are the same is lame and not factual. the dem’s actually try to look after

The repub party of Lincoln’s day were liberals. The parties switched during the Civil Rights Law time with Nixon’s Southern Strategy bringing it more so. Lincoln would be furious on how the repub party has turned out. Especially if he knew of fascism(that is what the gop is pushing these days).

The statement made could even be considered to speaking of the Nazi’s being the good guy against the evil Jewish people. We are becoming fascist because of the gop.

The gop plan on a coup. They gerrymandered and vote suppressed their way into the state level which helped them on the national level because a group with less than 11% approval rating suddenly has a 97% reelection rating just does not make sense on any level. There is some talk that Ryan and the McConnel plan to

The best immigration idea? The immediate immigration of all of the gop. That would truly make America greater cause America is already great.