
Stop using fancy math, that’s fake news shit you fool

“You slut” said Paul Ryan

If you choose to listen to people like this then you get into simple cause and effect solutions: illegals over the border?, build a wall to keep them out” . “ scared of being blown up? , ban all Muslim people”.

Yes and also these people are dumb cunts

I thought Alkaline Water played for the Lakers

Who gives a fuck

Spot on , well played

Maybe everyone needs to stop following made up stuff full of holes and contradictions and Instead work on what is morally appropriate and common sense. I recognize that could also be open to interpretation but at least we can focus on facts like how people die and under what circumstances rather than hiding behind

All the gay players. This was jesus punishing Torres for wasting liverpools money, good on you Jesus

Well done for giving it to the 15 year old twice

I heard there’s one only for women it’s called cuntcycle. They may let men in though who come up with fucked comments because they are also Cunts

Let me tell you something negative, you sound like you might be ugly?

A) if you give him 5 rounds the. Unless every round you won is 10/8 the if you have even half a brain you realize two round swing either way gets you the fight and there’s always at least 2 that could go either way

They should have disqualified her the cheating slut, trying to do an extra lap n all

Yes generally people who believe in religious doctrine are stupid, either that or they’ve been indoctrinated since birth and ironically often aren’t capable of individual thinking. In some instances it’s enough to enable them to be convinced to blow themselves up.

I’d always hoped he’d make Will Smith Secretary of gettin Jiggy with it

If he does have children I genuinely and honestly hope they shoot him and themselves, so people like this stop existing. I don’t condone violence, but if you’re going to have a gun in your house.....

Your point is well made

If good counter terrorism is preventative, shouldn’t we be doing something preventative about domestic terror, like restricting access to guns?

I’m guessing you have a really large hairy vagine?