NG has more BTU/lb, but you can’t fit as much of it onto a truck. A 150 gallon LNG tank has the equivalent energy as a 70 gallon diesel tank.
NG has more BTU/lb, but you can’t fit as much of it onto a truck. A 150 gallon LNG tank has the equivalent energy as a 70 gallon diesel tank.
Forward field-of-view didn’t appear to make it to the “must-haves” list.
Laughlin, NV, and Bullhead City, AZ are good for seeing proto cars/trucks as well.
I thought that was what turning off the A/C was for?
#7 FTW! I loved my 300K+ miler!
Agreed. Nissan hasn't ever made a good looking van. Exhibit 2, the Quest!
I think those guys took way to much stuff with them, on both their trips. I have to use a packing list with my FZJ80 to avoid just throwing more stuff in/on it.
My uncle is on his third(?) GS, and generally avoids gravel/dirt. He just loves the riding position, and being able to bolt on lots of bits
The Denali Highway. I took a trip up to Alaska and back with my dad a few years ago, him on his Concours, and me on my ‘89 Transalp, (complete w/dog on the back.)
Truer words have rarely been spoken. "Get this man a drink!"
I would have loved to be one of the stunt drivers hooning those old American sleds out on the dirt!
The end of the Baja peninsula, for starters. The south end of South America after that!
I dug the hell out of that game. I think I have some save files on a 3.5” floppy somewhere.
Ah, the HIE by Gateway mall. I've never seen a Tesla there, though that doesn't excuse taking every slot.
This game was the reason I bought an N64! Also, best Bond film IMO.
That's a pretty good list!