
My parents are generous enough to take our entire family on trips many times in my lifetime. They pay for a lot of the trip but over the years as my siblings and I have gotten married, had kids, etc. things have changed. Last "family" trip (outside weekend trips to water parks and family reunions/holidays) was in

I didn't get diagnosed until I was 25 (15 years ago). Had it for many years before that. When I got on the CPAP, I was like you, felt like the fog was lifted. I survived college (with a masters) but got out into the work force and my manager and people at work saw I was 100% better right after I got on the CPAP. I

I have said it before, and I will say it till the day I die. Taxing income is stupid. You cannot track it and there are a million ways to hide it. However taxing transactions (legitimate business transactions) is not as hard to hide. Tax people when they spend their money and then no one can hide from the tax man.

I care. Because you cut me off on the interstate and all I have to do is fire up my laptop, break into the OnStar phone number (which is constantly sending pings to towers and trivial to get) and get into the system and start making your car do weird things at 70 miles an hour. Lets see, lock all doors, turn on

I said this the day I learned of OnStar, back when Delco developed it and before it became mandatory on all GM cars. I told my dad (a GM Exec) that that was the last GM car I will purchase unless I can definitely turn off the OnStar.

I still get to this day pitches for insurance for my car. It is 8 years old, and been out of warranty for 5 years. At least twice a month I get offers for extended coverage on my vehicle. On my son's car, I get 4 pitches a month as well as his 2 years extended just expired (6 year old car).

I don't know .. depends on how they do it. There needs to be more play in the wheel wells. Skinny tires and no play make for a bad off roading experience. I am not talking Moab or the like, just simple dirt/grass off roads where there are pot holes and dips. I look at that first when I look at a car like this.

I still say the Pontiac Aztek. People recoil at the looks and the mechanicals (which were weak) but the concept was there. They took a midsize unibody frame (which at the time all SUVs were body on frame or tiny unibody frames) and put a regular engine (185 HP) in it and made the interior awesome. Drove great, and

The only way I am interested is if this is 100% Ubuntu, not a shim on top of android. I want 100% root and full ownership of the phone apps, that would be the winner.

One thing I see about the NHTSA is that this is typical government. "We are under staffed and need more money to run an inneffieint process with more people." How about fixing your process and maybe it will be more efficient? How about shifting the research to the companies and have stiff fines if they don't

Bolt vs. Model 3: I have not seen one, I have not sat in one, I don't have official specs (I.e. mileage, range, size, price, options, etc.) All I have is a range of things. Until I have something concrete, I cannot form an educated opinion, and it is pure speculation.

The reason every one of these don't exist is simple:

Airbags: For all my GM cars .. it was Delco/Delphi. My Nissan - NFC (No Flippin Clue)

Wow people have taken this a weird direction. You are arguing that herbs don't help rather than companies selling items which don't have the listed ingredients and have others which is not listed. WTF ... Look, I know it is dubious science for things that help, but as part of being in a 1st world county, we should

My new cars (several used cars):

This is really weird. You are asking a question about a new truck, that has not had time to have any inventory built up, and it is "losing" to an established truck with a ton of inventory. On top of all that, I think GM missed the boat here. People want "bigger" when you ask them in focus groups, but when you come

As for a sedan on the steep decline, Why would anyone want one? A decade or more ago, yeah, I can see it. However all the supposed advantages of the sedan have been migrated to the CUV. The reason people bought sedans was they were 1) Economical 2) Safe 3) Had room for stuff/family 4) MPG. (Please note the

3rd Gear:

There are a few things here. 1) The dealer did ask to take the car home for the night. This means the books in the car of the mechanic (or whoever drove it) is just a red herring. Owner gave consent to use and it is there. 2) As the manager stated, it is under warranty and the dealership. 3) Owner is now under

I disagree. The issue is more that they are being marketed, and sold a bill of goods which is not sustainable. Buy music from XYZ and you will "Always" have it. Always has a definition. It means forever. So company goes out of business, or they get their contract changed by the MPAA or RIAA and now guess what,