
People have been like that since release because of course:

That end card was obvious, but brilliant too.

I even read it out loud.

You are right. Best PC games are DRM-free.

That is really far way to go over a $30-60 piece of entertainment.

Actually, measures show it is the first weeks after release that matters the most to sales.

Yes, I agree.

Goons don’t care to be famous on Kotaku.

Kinda unjustified to compare anything to one of the most well designed levels in video game history.

I mean, yeah, that’s pretty much my feelings about Baldur’s Gate as well, but I don’t hold it against it as a story game. I thought it did fine given the limitations of the medium.

I wouldn’t really call the rules in Pathfinder “simulating minutiae”, but maybe that’s because I’ve actually read them.

They encourage creativity, but supply rules for the ones willing to seek them out. I mean, if they went the way you wanted, the books would be like four pages long and just say “make some shit up!”

That is a pretty bad reason for not enjoying Baldurs Gate, like saying cheese is bad because you only like goat cheese.

Uh, well in Neverwinter Nights this could happen just fine, players were given dicebags specifically to role play these scenarios.

Yeah, this marks the second Steam game I’ve ever refunded. (I did kind of buy it at the request of a friend asking if I could run it at all, so a refund was going to happen regardless)

I hated that fucking part because I couldn’t even go into the menus to fix the really glaring visual graphics settings which causes the game to nearly crash and it happened every time I started the game over and one time I got a scenic view of a rockface wall before clipping through the ground, crashing the game.

In reality, Toriyama pulled it out of his ass to keep Vegeta getting stronger so he could remain relevant to the events longer.

On image boards, people are defined not by identities (typically, everyone’s either anonymous or they only get a simple username), but by the novelty and shock value of their posts in the moment. Users often skew young. This, naturally, leads to Some Fucked Up Shit in the name of getting attention. Then everyone

It came out at the same time as Metroid Prime, so it had some really stiff competition at the time, but generally I just mean when comparing the series titles at the time, yeah.