His panic attack in Turkey in Season 2 was so hysterical. He’s just sitting there calmly and tells Jaime and Roman that he’s having a panic attack during the hostage standoff.
His panic attack in Turkey in Season 2 was so hysterical. He’s just sitting there calmly and tells Jaime and Roman that he’s having a panic attack during the hostage standoff.
I think the only scene that wasn’t in the trailer was the ice cream truck heist, which I can’t recall if it was mentioned in the original series. I don’t think it was? It caught me by surprise but it gave me a good glimpse into the joy Tony would take later in life going on other heists with Christopher and the like.…
If FWWM had never happened, we likely would never have gotten Twin Peaks: The Return, which stylistically and substance-wise is much more indebted to FWWM than the original TP series. I think FWWM still kind of works on its own if you’d never seen Twin Peaks the TV show (I know from experience, my first time watching…
The movie treated its audience like they were very dumb, which is something the Sopranos rarely did. The scene they showed in the trailer with Baby Christopher crying due to Uncle Tony seemed way too on-the-nose, and then in the movie it’s even longer and worse! They practically say “This baby can tell that you’re a…
It was worth it just for the scene of Todd making Jesse help get rid of the body of the lady in his apartment building. That was darkly funny like the best comedic moments on Breaking Bad.
If this were a network drama with 24 episode seasons, they would totally make a standalone episode of 2 brand new characters, mid-level FBI analysts, just combing through different emails and reading all the dumb dirt that the Roys and upper level executives are up to, and it would be a clip show of things that never…
That is very true
I can absolutely see her as the Ronald Reagan Jr. type, where she pretends she’s so disgusted by her father’s politics and policies that she decides to go the other way as a form of rebellion, and becomes a minor celebrity figure in her own right. She has also alluded many times to her being “a mess” when she met Tom,…
And on a lesser show, some unnamed FBI agent that we’ve never met before, who would now become a main antagonist character, would comb through the first or second file cabinet they confiscated and immediately find damning documents that would send Logan right to jail. On this show, which is pretty heavily based in…
Because he seemed like the kind of guy that would only own an island like that just to have it. He would only go out to that edge of the beach for a lunch to impress other people, it’s not an every day occurrence. You think he’s really out there hiking through his unmarked acres of land on a regular basis? He got lost…
Either he did really sign and the show is telling us that, or Logan told Shiv that Greg signed based on the “not a deal, but a plan” conversation with Greg, and Shiv passed that along to Tom. I suppose we’ll find out for sure next week.
I don’t think Gerri is playing Roman, really. I think she likes him and wants him to succeed and is setting him up for that by keeping him out of his own way. Keeping Tattoo Man as back pocket leverage is the smarter play.
Josh basically told Kendall as much, he literally said “I just didn’t want to go into the city.”
When Logan gets to be personable and charming, it really shows how someone like that could become so powerful and become such a “self-made man.” He always says “I know people,” and he really does. That’s what his kids don’t get. They have an idea of what people are like based on what their dad has taught them, but…
Highly unlikely. Tony was seated alone on his side of the booth. It’s more likely the Members Only Guy came out of the bathroom with his gun drawn and blasted Tony where he sat. Then walked out the front door and left the gun, Godfather-style.
Good point. The thing that felt the most like kids playing with toys was the Chewbacca fakeout. “NO! CHEWIE DIED!” 5 minutes later, “Oh, never mind. He’s still alive.”
I have not seen Salvation or anything since then in full. What would you recommend I check out in terms of the “Good” Terminator sequels post-3? I have seen TSCC and I loved that show.
I still think T3 is unfairly maligned. The ending, in particular, I still think was really well-done. John coming to the realization that he will never be able to stop the war, and that accepting his destiny is the only way to save humanity, to me, was pretty deep. And I liked the Katherine character a lot and thought…
TBF The Terminator was humans vs. one robot in a fistfight to save humanity; T2 is when they started the trope of Terminator vs. Terminator fighting.
It really feels like they let a 12 year old watch the original trilogy, then TFA and TLJ, gave the kid all of the action figures of the characters in a pile, and said, “Go have fun, kid. Tell us a story.” And that’s how the script of TROS was written.