Manny Both-Hanz died

The problem is that in a debate she gets 3.4 seconds to explain all that.

As a followup, I don’t think there’s anything I’d rather see than an actual unmoderated debate between Bernie and Warren. A friendly discussion of their policies and where they differ on which issues, between two adults who have respect for each other and understand the nuances of the issues.

It is curious that the moderators keep pounding this point like it’s some explosive gotcha, because there’s a clear answer that simply takes more time to explain than they can give with 53 candidates on stage.

Warren is my distant second choice, but it’s really funny to watch just how bad most of these guys are at attacking her. I also appreciate that this shows just how silly the attacks on her and Bernies plans look, and how easy they are to swat away.

Yes, but their comment system sucks anyway.

+1 rough morning

He’s certainly willing to employ terrible people, but not ones who are uppity.

I think they had a bunch of the area set aside for various things that dramatically cut down on the available space. We ended up parking up Mission Village road and walking.

Hey, that one guy from Hard Knocks got drafted!

There is no chance that a league that claimed to have started because they were outraged about flag protests and thinks the NFL is too liberal is going to sign Kaep.

I’m driving somewhere cool, like Montana.

And we all know he didn’t see any of the racist gestures, because he was focused on trying to find the ball in the back of the net.

They were 4-4 going into that game. They were 6-7 when they beat the Broncos in Denver later that year.

they made the playoffs

San Diego. It was 2013, not their best year but they made the playoffs. And Broncos fans who wanted to see Manning completely outnumbered chargers fans at quallcom. 

I went to a Broncos Chargers game there. We had to park in a residential neighborhood and walk to the stadium because there was no parking. When we got there it was orange from all the Broncos fans. For a division rival. 

To be fair, when I went to a Broncos chargers game in San Diego a few years ago the whole place was orange. Moving to LA isn't really the whole issue. 

Honestly, I'm not sure the last time I went to the actual site. Its not bad via rss. 

We know what the curse does. It makes you lose 1/4 of your maximum life every turn. So essentially Gourgeist is killing a lot of people. 

That’s kinda what annoys me about the whole thing. Nothing against Kofi, he’s great and earned everything and more. But the WWE pretending like this is some breakthrough just bugs me. They essentially just demoted the WWE championship and claimed that having it meant the same thing as before.