Manny Both-Hanz died

There must be some mistake, I don’t see Pico de Gallo anywhere.

But the dialogue about who’s the “real America” and who’s really representative of a state always assume that rural Americans are the answer. Meanwhile Omar got 80,000 more votes than the highest republican congressional candidate in her state, and 50,000 more than the next Democrat.

But the same is true in reverse. Just because someone wins in their rural district doesn’t mean their ideas work for the state as a whole. But you only really hear this criticism applied to city districts. Meanwhile less that 20% of the population lives in rural areas. For example they specifically called out the Twin

Are you implying there might be a huge urban/rural divide and that living in one area or the other doesn’t make you any less of a “real American/Illinoiser/Georgian/whatever”?

Obama expanded Medicaid, Dems don’t get credit for not being dumb enough to block it. And Hickenlooper fought against legalizing pot as hard as he could, until it succeeded and then he sprinted to claim credit.

Learn the difference between an ad hom and an insult.

That’s what I’ve consistently said about her. She’s got great analysis of the deeper structural issues and is amazing at explaining important concepts. Her discussion about the difference between guilt and responsibility being a highlight. And then just when I think I could almost consider her as a third choice, she

The conversation would be more like

I thought about that, but Lion King isn't really uncanny. It's pretty dead on.

This is “realistic” in the same way the new Lion King is “live action”. There’s got to be a better word for this sort of style change, but it’s not coming to me.

“Coats departs on August 15. An acting DNI has yet to be named”

Why are you so insistent on the idea that it's a bad thing for businesses to trust their customers?

The business assumes their customers are acting honestly. This makes for a better experience for the customers, who in turn are more likely to come back. So that little bit of trust makes things better for everyone involved.

Maybe it’s just faux Americana bullshit, but I like living somewhere where if I forget my wallet in a restaurant they’re more than happy to let me come back the next day to pay. It’s legitimately nice to to be able to assume people around me are going to deal with me honestly.

I had the same WTF moment when I first saw it. Didn’t even know the wine brand is a thing.

Pretty sure that’s the vinyard, not the rightwing website or legal society/crackpot judge mill.

Circle K the brand is. Many of the individual stations are franchises.

Now I want to try an anchovy and pineapple pizza.

Who’s brother/uncle/wife owns the gas station in question?

80% chance this shows up in a youtube video. Would have been 100%, but the criminal part changes things.