Manny Both-Hanz died

Dog Army. After the death of her human this dog leads the giant hoard of wolves in slaughtering all the humans and rules from atop the Iron Throne.

I think a lot of it is money laundering. Since you can’t put a price on art, it’s an easy scam.

This is money laundering right?

And the Bernie Bros were a similar bullshit narrative. Fact is that more Clinton voters went for McCain than Bernie voters went for Trump.

That’s a common misconception. The words “separation of church and state” aren’t in the constitution. It’s actually based on a misspelling, and supposed to be about keeping churches free from the influence of SABRmetrics and the analytics movement. 

I just think that there’s no benefit to the argument, and it just breeds ill will between sides that are going to have to work together.

Identity politics have always been the rights go to move. They love accusing the left of it, but it’s literally all they have.

They had a filibuster-proof majority for 70ish days. 

The purity caucus had less impact on this election than on the previous one. Yes, it was dumb. But it wasn’t some huge group, and it wasn’t abnormal. Remember the PUMAS? They got about the same coverage as “Bernie Bros” and arguably had a bigger impact.

You are clearly forgetting his other trick, blaming everything on Pelosi.

It’s amazing how how many of the terrible things in our country can be directly blamed on Reagan. 

That person was not actually a Monsanto lobbyist.

It is a weird thing for a juror to say out of the blue. And the only evidence I’ve ever seen of someone pro-roundup saying it was a random non-Monsanto activist on TV years ago. Which implies the juror got it from outside the courtroom, which might be grounds for throwing out the verdict.

Sorry, thought I was responding to the guy who kept talking about how Roundup was banned everywhere despite being told otherwise.

No we didn’t. Humanity has always sought better chemicals, from alcohol to gunpowder. 

That’s not what’s happened. Every case of these suits I’ve seen it’s turned out that the farmers were attempting to collect and breed the seeds. It’s never been an accident.

Not by a lawyer. And not by someone affiliated with Monsanto.

It’s not banned in the entire EU. 

More like some of Europe to varying degrees and some of South America to varying degrees.

No, it’s not illegal. And the reason to use it is that it’s the most effective option. Other options are actually more dangerous because you have to use them more often.