Pray Price is human scum!
Pray Price is human scum!
"Good for her" is not where I would go with this.
How is saying "It's hot as Africa" racist?
The Castros and a neighborhood witness claimed they never flew up from "0 to about 2,o00 feet in less than two seconds," as the police alleged. It should be noted here that a climb like that is impossible in a consumer drone like the Phantom.
Eh, I've not tipped before. I'm sorry I don't feel tipping is mandatory, you are in the service industry, if you give bad service I give a bad tip.
I was ready to defend this girl, but racism works both ways. We all need to practice sensitivity towards others.
What's worse, believing that vaccinations make your kids autistic, or not reading articles before you jump to write angry comments about them?
I'm betting Disney will be super-okay with this.
and his status is questionable
I mean, in my experience "fishing" is short hand for drinking on a boat so if I can't sell you on that...
I find this pretty disturbing. It reminds me of the creepy "prankster" trying to get under America Ferrera's skirt (which I think is assaultive and violent).
How long before this list goes from legitimate shit bag rapists to people other people don't like and decide to falsely shame them?
In his defense, it's probably not fair to single out his homophobia. I, for one, am willing to give him credit and say that Marshall Henderson probably has very dumb thoughts about a lot of other things, too.
When questioned about his decision to send the letter, Snyder explained that it was insensitive to the Native American community for Arrington to call himself a "Redskin" when he was clearly "a Brown."
Neither does an MFA.
Great use of foreshadowing in the opening frame.
Plank makes a great point. If Silver had any sense of decency, he'd have brought down the hammer on Donte Stallworth a long time ago.
"accused of the assault"
This is the problem I have with this situation. So many people assume guilt until proven innocent. This student may or may not have committed this crime, but it will surly follow him around for a lifetime. If he is found guilty, then he deserves jail, however, if innocent....well, I…
Touchless car washes exist now.