
Plank makes a great point. If Silver had any sense of decency, he'd have brought down the hammer on Donte Stallworth a long time ago.

"accused of the assault"


This is the problem I have with this situation. So many people assume guilt until proven innocent. This student may or may not have committed this crime, but it will surly follow him around for a lifetime. If he is found guilty, then he deserves jail, however, if innocent....well, I

Touchless car washes exist now.

I don't consider sexual transactions as being morally different from any other transactions. Paying 5 dollars for a donut and fucking someone for a donut are the same thing to me. As long as the person is willing to fuck for the donut then there is no moral issue. Simply offering the donut in exchange for sex is

Technically, couldn't the students then say that passing the candy around with the wrapper on kept the candy from getting dirty. So, by their own standards,

"That's 'Kristoffer' with a k... and two f's."
-every conversation ever for the rest of his life.

I hacked my vocabulary.

IANAL but I don't understand from a common-sense perspective how the state can be held accountable for every bad thing that happens within its borders.

Here's hoping!

May I be one of the first to light the bonfire?

Sleepy Hollow, all season long, did the most amazing (and LONG) cold opens in television. I'd just be engrossed - the Credit sequence starts, I'd look at the clock and the show was 15 minutes in already. And I would have hardly blinked.

regardless of where one stands, would you agree it'd be harder to take blackface seriously when it seems it's alright for the reverse?

Want very fast hot chocolate? Sure, use a microwave. Or put it on a stove, you lazy asshole.

We ALL know its Krogan ;)

No one's better than these guys apart from maybe this lot:

Not only is the government evil and rotten to the core, but you will sincerely love them for it. Screw your telescreens, and Ministry of Love and faceless men wielding guns and truncheons; just give us endless sex, food and drugs, and we will willingly give up everything that makes us human (and we will thank you

V for Vendettta.

One to rule them all.