
Watch once for the amazing throw, watch again for the first base coach not helping even a little bit.

This is the stupidest thing anyone has ever said.

I have to hope that it’ll be like PI — usually not called if you look like you’re making a play on the ball — and not get called if it looks like a form tackle. Because that safety hit was pretty much textbook.

“Wearing a custom carbon-fiber cap insert to protect against future blows to the head”

But at least the rear hatch is at a 30º angle a la the X6 so that any practicality normally afforded by an SUV is sliced in half.

I got called “lazy” by someone who wanted me to deliver a massive couch I was giving away. For free.

I have the DashCam A1 and it fits nicely behind the rearview mirror, so visibility isn’t an issue. Would definitely recommend.

I have the DashCam A1 and it fits nicely behind the rearview mirror, so visibility isn’t an issue. Would definitely

We sort of assume that the officials won’t call PI if you’re looking back at the ball, right? I’m guessing this will be similar. If you get your arms up and at least pretend you’re making a form tackle, they’re more likely to let it slide.

Being really good at something doesn’t make you an athlete.

Players don’t like being punished? Next you’ll tell me that they DO like scoring touchdowns.

None of those helmets are blank, though. I’ve never looked at the super-wide tape, but I’m betting with logos, you can still tell which way a guy is pointing his head.

My local Safeway has attempted to solve this problem by having it shout the item type much louder than the rest.

“Enter your … DONUT … quantity”
“place your … DONUT … in the bag”

I poured over this thing as a kid, memorizing every page.

Plus, as Gates elaborated and FunkButter chose to ignore, the ability of law enforcement to track large withdrawals, suitcases of cash, wire transfers, etc. is an important and useful part of their job that Bitcoin undermines.

Fun fact: bears can open UNlocked cars pretty easily too.

Exactly my thoughts. Sure, it’s downhill in sand, but this is essentially like me doing a backflip CARRYING MYSELF ON MY BACK, and I can’t even do a regular one.

So you’d agree that there was probably a dinosaur the size of that gator?

The Miami Marlins are doing their damndest to keep pace.

Somewhere in the lore it says that there are huge coal reserves in the far north, and since this is Industrial-Revolution-era tech they’re working with, that’s the only way to keep everything running.