
I thought backup cameras were a gimmick because I’m a MAN and I’ll be GODDAMNED if I need some CAMERA to tell me how to drive. Then I drove an Acura MDX with a camera at the top of the rear hatch that can see the entire bumper, so you can back up to within an inch of a concrete pillar with absolute confidence. Now I’m

I think the politics of royal lines will fall by the wayside when the White Walkers show up south of the Wall, and it will then be very important that he’s a Targaryen. Maybe he’s fireproof or can talk to the dragons in a way similar to Dany?

Tip: DO NOT pay an extra $80 for 48 more GB of storage. Buy a 128GB micro SD card for $40 and set it up as internal storage. Marshmallow handles SD cards extremely efficiently on stock Android, without rooting. Your phone won’t discriminate between internal and card storage, and it’ll be like you have a 144GB phone

Tip: DO NOT pay an extra $80 for 48 more GB of storage. Buy a 128GB micro SD card for $40 and set it up as internal

I use it on Verizon. Just popped the SIM card out of my old phone and into this one and I was up and running. No setup whatsoever (other than apps and Google login, obviously).

I use it on Verizon. Just popped the SIM card out of my old phone and into this one and I was up and running. No

“Ok, Cleveland, you won ONE thing. But you still suck at all the other things.”

If the bar for the Cardinals’ pretentiousness and hypocrisy is “are they really worse than the Pats,” then voting for them is the obvious answer.

I’m pretty sure this movie is the reason I went from ignoring cars to thinking they were pretty cool. It was a little step, but that was the catalyst. And it’s just snowballed from there.

The economics are so out of whack that it may actually be more lucrative to be selected in the second round of this year’s draft than the first. Of course, in a mere four billion years, the Sun will expand into a red giant and the entirety of our planet will be reduced to ashes, so who really cares?

when I opened the door, a chime did sound

You know a cavalier is a dude on a horse, right?

Surely there’s a lot of middle ground between “smile and shrug” and “accuse the NBA of rigging games for profit.” Curry was pissed, but I don’t think anyone (mostly) is begrudging him the mouthguard throw. That’s impulsive, fleeting anger and we get it. Walking out of press conferences, tweeting accusations hours

I know a guy who was a cook on a base in Japan. He’s a veteran, but he doesn’t tell anyone or claim discounts because being thanked for that (other than by the people he served food to) just feels weird.

I’m one. Owned a Mac since Windows XP, never had an iPhone. Jumped into the Google universe starting with Gmail in 2004, then Calendar, etc. When it came time for a phone, Android made more sense.

Oh good, the LDS representative is here.

2001 AFC Divisional Game. The foundation of a dynasty. Give that to the Raiders, and the last 15 years of Patriots terror crumbles away. And I’m a Broncos fan, so I don’t root for the Raiders lightly.

They did beat the Cardinals. Once. Then they lost a close one and then they lost badly.

The problem with this interpretation is that magic is often (depending on the franchise) a have/have-not system. You can’t learn magic. Either you can do magic stuff or you can’t. So if you don’t have magic, there’s not a lot you can do except try to be friend with people who do, because all your armor and weapons

Won’t do you any good without a push-to-get-this-asshole-out-of-the-left-lane button.

I’ve put 130 hours into XCOM 2 in the last month, and I’m not slowing down. Love it.

Oh boy.