
Obviously someone else was filming, maybe the kid in the video didn’t have a choice because his friend thought it was hilarious and posted it anyway.

Still a more creative name than the Phillies. That’s not even a thing.

I’ve heard that a complete tear isn’t nearly as painful as a partial one, so the pain level might actually be a good sign for his long-term recovery.

This is huge, and should have been mentioned in the story article. Trevor Story is playing great baseball on both sides of the ball, and is owed a fraction of what Reyes is.

Where else can you see Colorado take on the Nicholls State Colonels on their way to a 4-9 record? NOWHERE.

I have a moral objection to local blackouts. I can’t watch Rockies’ day games on my laptop (or even listen to the audio stream), despite paying for, because it’s also on Root Sports and is thus subject to local blackouts. But Root is a podunk little station and does not have live streams that I can log into

I have seen a 959. In Aspen. And I talked to the guy who owned it. And at no point did ze Germans come into the conversation. How do people think these things?

His form may be awful, but it works for Philip Rivers.

What are you even talking about?

Alternative: be a fan of a consistently sub-.500 team.

Reminds me of this (which I had forgotten was also Fernandez):

“You get NOTHING! Good DAY sir!”

We should all strive to the level of “restraint” displayed by Tom Haley’s banana hammock.

“the fact that he didn’t actually hit the cop car suggests that the distance he was driving was, in fact, safe enough”

This is a goddamn masterstroke.

Condolence high five.

First time in all my 40-plus years sports writing I’ve seen the word shit in a headline.

Hard to judge what that was like from inside the plane, but from the outside it was quite a lot less violent than I was expecting. Wings stayed on, didn’t roll or catch fire or explode. Maybe Hollywood has jaded me but that wasn’t so bad.

Love that they mocked it up in San Francisco, where it almost certainly will not be sold.

The disconnect between amateur and pro is more pronounced in baseball than anywhere else. I mean, I can spiral a football 25 yards. I can kick a soccer ball with reasonable accuracy. I can serve a tennis ball and get it in the box most of the time. I understand how those things work.