
Yo, Brian Griese’s injury was dumb, and imma let you finish, but Barry Church had the best dumb injury of ALL TIME.

2B isn’t exactly laser-focused either.

Aww, you’re upset that someone point out a mistake you made. That’s delightful. What I said was that the verb “hurl” doesn’t make sense in that sentence. Because the subject of that sentence was Messi’s shot, and would therefore be “a wayward Lionel Messi shot flew over the goal and came hurling her direction.” Which

Not in that sentence. Hurling is something that someone does TO the ball, hurtling is something the ball does.

Umm…thanks I guess?

“While gender inequality in certain bro-heavy ski towns may have given rise to the “Menver” concept, the statistics don’t back it up. According to the 2010 United States Census (the last record we downloaded before the government shutdown), the sexes are pretty evenly divided in Denver: For every 100 females, there

This is what I keep saying. The defense will still be top-5, especially against the pass. They have an easy schedule and a good RB. They just need a QB that’s barely average and the Broncos will be ready for another deep playoff run.

He already WAS worse than Tebow.

Tebow (2011): 126/271 (46.5%), 1729 yards, 12 TD, 6 INT, 72.9 rating
Sanchez (2012): 246/453 (54.3%), 2883 yards, 13 TD, 18 INT, 66.9 rating

Goalies are psychopaths. You know he’d have played through losing a finger if he had to.

Fun fact: Shaquille O’Neal hit one three-pointer in his career.

That footage will definitely not go on the air, no question about it.

Chargers take up a lot of space on an outlet, a lot of the time. Plus, in places like a bedside table or end table, you could just leave a USB cord plugged in. I have a USB charger with a 10-foot cord plugged in behind my couch, for example, that doesn’t move, but it does take up two outlets on the power strip.

If you change like eight words, this is almost interchangeable with that letter about Cam Newton.

Still only counts as an assist.

Has anyone asked Gossage about this?

Look, everyone, I’m sure we could all populate the top 10 list with our own least favorite shots.

but what surprised me most was Laptop’s finding that a whopping 78% of laptops sold in 2015 have low-res displays

It’s nice to know that there’s at least one professional athlete getting laid less often than me.

It means he talks about how great it is all the time, but really it’s just irritating and useless.

In Ben Roethlisberger’s first Super Bowl win, he didn’t even have the best passer rating on his team.