
I’ve been doing a minor version of this for years. As my cold-weather peers know, sometimes it’s not cold enough to freeze when you go to bed. Snow falls on your warm car, melts, freezes later, and leaves little ice bumps that are a nightmare to scrape off.

To prevent that, leave a towel on the windshield, either

I don’t know about John Goodman or John Gallagher, Jr., but I’m given to understand that females is strong as hell.

I don’t know anything about Black Panther’s role in this movie, but god DAMN that outfit is cool.

“Eli still hasn’t lost a Super Bowl though…” Eli grumbled into his Frosted Flakes on Monday Morning.

Alternative headline: Tree takes a lightning strike and is somehow still standing?

Saving intercepted balls has got to be so much more satisfying when they have the team’s logo on it.

I got the big version (54" I think?) for Black Friday and it’s been amazing. Easy to mount, paired right out of the box, and sounds fantastic. Highly recommended.

I got the big version (54" I think?) for Black Friday and it’s been amazing. Easy to mount, paired right out of the

Crazy stat: The Broncos blitzed (where a blitz is rushing five or more guys) three times in that game. Total. That’s insane.

I think we, collectively, hate Seahawks fans a lot more than we hate Seahawks players. I have no ill will toward any of them except a sort of mild dislike of Russell Wilson and an impression that Sherman talks too much shit, but “the 12th man is a community” is some next-level circlejerking.

Clay Matthews can eat a dick. He broke through the O-line almost unimpeded and missed a sack against a 36-year-old quarterback, who then escaped the rest of Matthews’ fellow defenders, ran into his own lineman, and got a pass off across his body to a completely uncovered 32-year-old receiver. Then that receiver ran

She couldn’t possibly be qualified to the same level that a man could be qualified to do that.

Excellent point. Or just colors! Syracuse Orange, Stanford Cardinal, those aren’t even things!

Here’s a fun game: If someone says they’re a Seahawks fan, ask them to name a Seahawks QB other than Wilson.

Sorry Drew, but the Philadelphia Phillies is the worst team name in sports. They could have even called themselves the Fillies and had a horse mascot, but no. They went with Amorphous Green Blob. That’s just a lack of effort. What’s next, the St. Louis Louies? The San Francisco Friskys? The New York Yorkies? It’s a

By definition, the most popular passwords are going to be shitty ones. Without numbers on how big a slice of the total password pie these occupy, we can’t really say if people are getting better at it.

Not sure how you could argue that the dropped passes were Peyton’s fault—that’s sort of definitional. And the Broncos have been having trouble with drops all year.

MLK was a very important and influential man. He did and said and thought a lot of important things. Then he died, and stopped doing and saying and thinking things. Then 48 years passed. Can we stop arguing about what he might have thought about current things?

According to PFF, 74% of his passes were on target, five of which were dropped, and his only serious mistake was the near-pick to William Gay that Sanders broke up. I agree with you that he wasn’t spectacular, but they played to his strengths (timing and accuracy on short- to mid-range routes).

If he was driving a 30-year-old Alfa, he probably knew exactly what a bad day he was about to have, having had exactly such a day many times before.