
If you can’t beat the defense, beat the guy who built it.

I have the 5.1 version of this and haven’t noticed a delay. Sports, movies, games, it’s run the gamut.

I have the 5.1 version of this and haven’t noticed a delay. Sports, movies, games, it’s run the gamut.

I bought the big (I think 55"?) version of this soundbar over Black Friday and was blown away at how easy it is to set up and how good it sounds. Even comes with all the cables, in case you don’t have a fiber cable lying around. And Night Mode is sweet; it turns down the bass and rear speakers to keep the sound from

I bought the big (I think 55"?) version of this soundbar over Black Friday and was blown away at how easy it is to

I worked at Target during our two busiest seasons—back-to-school in a town with 30,000 college students, and Christmas—and I’m pretty sure that if you were 1) in uniform, 2) reasonably clean-cut, and 3) acted confident, you could go DAYS without anyone noticing that you weren’t a real employee. I’d easily go days

One way to make this slightly more succinct might be a “who should play this game?”

Also, WARM UP. You can’t show up to the gym and start sprinting or doing pullups without hurting something.

Even in Monte Carlo, a One:1 is gonna stand out.

“Give the best you have, and it will never be enough”

Pacman Jones’ assurances that Brown’s reactions were exaggerated carries exactly zero weight with me after seeing Brown ragdoll to the ground.

It’d be great if the car somehow knew what tires were on it and would refuse to go over 20 until you fitted all-season or better.

It’s a pretty high-end ultrabook, really. Even ignoring the pretty colors and aluminum body.

Probably not by the football players though.

I mean, statistically, he must have made a restaurant suggestion or something that was a good idea at some point in his life.

1995 Volvo 850 = $3350

Obviously, she should be in there instead of Finn.

The film’s jokey name for its McGuffin, the substance known as Unobtanium.

The Giants retain the honor of being the only team to win a Super Bowl one year and fail to make the playoffs in the years before or after.

I’ve said for weeks that if the NFC is represented by Carolina or Arizona (and I see no reason to believe it’ll be anyone else), I don’t think anyone in the AFC can beat them.

Watch How One Quarterback Earns 5 Extra Yards With This One Weird Trick! Defensive Linemen Hate Him!

I guess having Josh Gordon give motivational speeches was a bad idea.