
The “blue-on-blue” thing is an excellent point. Let’s say a crazy person (terrorist, anti-abortion extremist, Raiders fan, what have you) pulls a gun and starts shooting at people. Everyone scrambles for cover. An off-duty cop then pulls a gun and starts shooting back. The ON-duty cops arrive to find two people, both

The play clock gets reset, not the game clock. That’s your mistake.

He hit him at waist level, led with the shoulder, and Gronk’s leg wasn’t even planted at the time. Nothing dirty or illegal about the hit whatsoever.

I’m on my fourth car. Two of the previous three were totaled, and the third was a 1996 Mercury Sable wagon. So no, I’m good.

The fact that you didn’t like the books means you’re not among the people that made this franchise a success. Maybe you’re not the best person to weigh in on whether they’d enjoy a prequel.

I am Bear fan, but I’m also objective

Surely you’re aware that “not being nice enough” is not the problem with Greg Hardy…

You have to love the brief moment where he thought he could evade an NFL defensive back.

To a person with “red-green” colorblindness (like me), purple basically doesn’t exist. We can see it, but there’s no clear delineation between purple and blue. If you look at videos of people who’ve tried corrective eyewear, purple is one of the things they notice the most. Apparently it’s a pretty powerful experience.

A lot of FPS games have either a red or green name to distinguish friend or foe, but they’ll let you switch to blue/orange. Might be a similar option in FO4.

Nonfat Soy Reminiscence = band name. That’s mine now.

Boston sports fans are the worst. This applies to all questions in the form of “[Who/what/which] is the worst?” We do not hate you because we ain’t you. We hate you because you are, collectively, the worst.

Inverted Y is 0% more natural than inverted X, for the same reason, and yet no one inverts the X. We accept that you push the stick left to look left and right to look right. Why should the same not be true of up and down?

I already don’t let people drive my car. It has enough idiosyncrasies (read: problems) that I’m worried someone else will disturb the delicate art of keeping it running.

In case anyone’s curious, “ape” means “bee” in Italian, which makes a lot more sense for a car the size of a chiclet than naming it after some hulking hairy primate.

I don’t think there’s anyone on the Packers I’d want less to fight than BJ Raji.

WHY is that wall there?

Didn’t know that. Pretty cool.

BSG did the same thing, but it was mostly B-roll like Vipers landing and stuff. I noticed it, but it wasn’t a problem.