
Associations with a serial rapist aside, this kid wasn’t even born when Sharper was a Viking. So she custom-ordered a jersey with the name of a convicted rapist who doesn’t even play for her team.

I’m trying to picture the kind of person who’d sit idly by, reading Deadspin for god knows how long, and then see a mild slight against Joe Flacco and think, “that’s the last straw. These clowns at this site must pay,” and create an account just to comment on it.

He’s not actually saying that JPP is a Stones fan…

Peyton Manning’s debut: 21/37, 302, 1 TD, 3 INT

Whatever happened to the headsets here, whether it was a technical issue or intentional fuckery—in fact, whatever even slightly suspicious thing happens in or around the Patriots from now until the end of time—they will NEVER AGAIN have the benefit of the doubt.

Are we ignoring that “The grand wizard” is the term for the leader of the KKK? This is the perfect trifecta of racism.

It’s an inevitable result of the disconnect between the game at the pro and college levels, and a reminder of the fact that the purpose of college is to win, not to prepare players for the NFL.

My first thought was “how does a linebacker get hit that hard on such a shallow play?”

They’ve shaved 125 milliseconds off the lifetime of your torque converter.

“Can you spell ‘spaghetti’?”

Came here to say this exact thing.

The fact that this all came from Adam Schefter gives me confidence that it’s true. I can’t think of the last time he was wrong.

It’s not, that’s the crazy part. There’s no recognizable translation from one structure to another. Not even stuff like legs and eyes that actually carry over. It all dissolves and reassembles.

“What’s next for Tri Alpha?”

Checked both my (married) parents’ emails. All clear.

I’m sure the Cardinals would be delighted to play the Raiders twice a year instead of their current schedule.

I look at it as compared to the age of the car. I’m looking for a new DD right now, and I saw a 2011 something with like 140K on it. 140K isn’t a deal breaker in and of itself, but I have to wonder what someone’s doing to put 2,000 miles a month on a car. Are they changing the oil every six weeks? Timing belt every

It depends a little bit on the punter. The common knowledge is that the punter is going to have trouble keeping it out of the end zone, so it’s a touchback and the net yardage is shitty.

Never forget this one either.