
Semi-serious question: why does his costume have eye holes? I feel like a blank face would be super intimidating. (I know, the comic, but I mean in general.)

Fixed it. (Only slightly sarcastic, I totally agree with you. Couldn’t see a damn thing in this video until it was almost over.)

I would absolutely say “how did you learn to do all this” to a male coworker. I AM a male coworker, and people of all genders and colors say that to me. I’m a copywriter who can also set up a NAS array to back up our videographer’s stuff. If you have talents that most people don’t, sometimes they’ll want to know how

I have a copy of the Origin of Species from 1875, and my parents have some 18th-century Shakespeare collections. My mom grew up in New England, so there’s stuff in our family that’s been passed down for generations.

The "miracle" isn't that six people died, it's that ONLY six people died on an island of a thousand people. A miracle, in the non-religious sense, "is often used to characterize any beneficial event that is statistically unlikely but not contrary to the laws of nature." No one's saying that death is beneficial, but

Engine swap idea: would it hold the 3-cyl EcoBoost from the Fiesta? Because that makes 125 hp and might be small enough to fit.

I know this is an old article, but I’m looking into using a setup like this for a video editing scratch disk/storage/backup, kind of like a giant external hard drive.

Now playing

Moving them back would do that. See: Kam Chancellor vs. the Panthers in last year's playoffs. The kick was lined up at the 18, which is roughly what's being proposed here, and he jumped the line to block it TWICE.

The what?

You must not be terribly well-traveled. I did a very cursory image search for subway platforms in Paris, Tokyo, Berlin, London, Madrid, Prague, Shanghai, and Seoul, and found unguarded tracks at every single one. Settle down.

This play jumps out as an example where this would be really useful. It was ruled a touchdown but was very hard to tell whether Luck's left knee was down before the ball crossed the line, since the replay (as I recall) was from roughly the angle of this photo. A goal-line camera would have cleared that right up.

This is something that bugs the shit out of me when I watch on TV. There'll be one camera angle that shows the knee, but not the ball, and another that shows the opposite. The announcers will be talking about how it's impossible to see both at one time which makes this a difficult call.

From a "selfish gene" point of view, sex and survival are basically the same thing. Both increase the likelihood of the long-term lifespan of that individual's genetic material.

Pretty sure this is real-time footage, not a time-lapse.

Looks to me like he saw Dober's left arm slip to the mat, interpreted it as a loss of consciousness, jiggled his arm in a somewhat cursory fashion to confirm his suspicions, decided Dober was out, and called it. He was obviously (to us) wrong, but it's hard to fault him for erring on the side of safety when he thinks

Bravo, sir. Bravo.

This reminds me of the patience of Kurt Warner, waiting and waiting for a receiver to get open and releasing the ball while getting broken in half by a linebacker that finally got through.

But that pressure equalization you're talking about is caused by the dissolved CO2 in the sparkling wine being extracted into the bottle by the vacuum. It's making the wine go flat faster.

"I do disagree with the fact…"