
My first impression of Rousey was from TUF 18: Rousey vs. Tate. It was during a fairly early fight, and Tate's fighter won, at which point Tate congratulated her in a very inoffensive "good work" kind of way. Rousey came up to Tate, practically exploding with rage, and said something along the lines of "I saw you

Hernandez tipped a shade over 12 percent. Not that great! Especially since there's kitchen staff to tip out, and Hernandez's party was there for nearly three hours he made almost $17 million in 2013.

I always assumed Aerogel had a somewhat squishy texture, like a yoga mat or a marshmallow. This is weird.

He may be right; I'm not going to get into a whole thing.

Don't forget guy having a phone conversation on speakerphone while holding his phone up near his mouth with one hand.

Excuse me for not quaking in fear over the future of humanity because a box of mice couldn't get along.

Fixed it.

I find it more plausible that lots of people like Dysons than that this entire feature is a sham designed to sell vacuums under the guise of a genuine consumer survey.

I find it more plausible that lots of people like Dysons than that this entire feature is a sham designed to sell

Three of the five most nominated vacuums in their user poll were Dysons, taking a combined 55% of the 5700 votes cast. This isn't a sponsored recommendation, it's a consensus among those who bothered to participate.

Three of the five most nominated vacuums in their user poll were Dysons, taking a combined 55% of the 5700 votes

Broncos fan here. I really like Julius and what he does for the team, but if he wants to go make money elsewhere, that's fine. Go to the Jags. Go to the Bears. Go to the Packers now that Bostick is out.

Frozen (the first one) was supposed to do to skiing what Jaws did to swimming (given the almost verbatim blurb on the poster), but skiing is doing ok.

Why are the Broncos the only ones saddled with a throwback logo? I mean it's ok, but their current logo is badass as well. And that blue gradient is simply unbearable.

I respectfully disagree. Most of the strong climbers I know lift very little or not at all. Exhausted muscles do make for terrible climbing, but climbing to exhaustion is fantastic training. That's what gyms are for, and bouldering to some extent. Between interval training on the wall (4x4s and the like), campus

All valid. I just meant to illustrate that there are a lot of very strong people who use bodyweight only.

Most climbers use bodyweight training only, and they're jacked as hell. Same goes for most male gymnasts.

Or the one with the Murano (I think) on a train. They put that tongue-in-cheek "do not attempt, cars can't actually drive on trains" bullshit underneath it, but all it does is make me think "THEN WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SHOWING ME THIS?" If the entire point of your ad is that your car is better because it got them to

My first game of Madden was against a guy who played in tournaments. He gave me the Packers (#1 team at the time by miles) and he was the Raiders or something. Beat me 105-3.

Words cannot describe how much I don't want to be the guy who has to follow Edelman. I don't even like him or the Pats, but he's a pro athlete with David Beckham hair who caught the game-winning touchdown in the Super Bowl. The bar is too high.

A "troll" is not defined as "someone who disagrees with you." Someone with a legitimate difference of opinion who is making their point calmly and logically is not a troll, it's just someone you don't like. This is a constant fallacy of the commentariats of various sites, and leads to the outright dismissal of