
It's hard to tell how big it is, but it looks about the size of a shoebox. That's roughly ten pounds of C4, if it was full.

The driveshaft would have that effect, but I can't imagine a very strong one. Its mass is all concentrated very close to the axis of rotation, so it doesn't have much gyroscopic effect. That's why most navigational gyros are disks, which is sort of the opposite of a shaft.

I'm sure security forces all over the country will be happy to hear that threats can't possibly be shaped like cultural references. Really lightens their load, I'm sure.

You people are fucking pathetic. He's a six-time convicted felon who's being held on an additional seven felony weapons charges, including possession of a firearm by a felon and STREET TERRORISM. Not making that up. And yet everyone's all fucking flippant about it because he's hot.

That's absolutely true; no disagreement here. But the effect you are describing is not the gyroscopic effect of a body spinning about an axis. That's all I'm saying. Glorious Comb Over nailed the explanation of why the jump didn't work, they just got the terminology wrong.

Since no one else has pointed it out: that is NOT a concrete landing surface. It's snow. That's why he's at a ski resort, that's why it has little grooves groomed into it, that's why it's white, and that's why he carved huge gouges into it, spraying it all over the place, when he biffed the landing. And it's

A gyro only prevents a body from rotating along the axes perpendicular to the axis of the gyro. The car rolled pretty much straight forward. The wheels definitely contributed to the roll, but through moment of inertia, not a gyroscopic effect.

If you have Ad Blocker, you can right-click on the gif and say "block this ad." Just don't click anything in the window that pops up to confirm, and that'll remove it for the time being.

It was not LITERALLY an ad for rape. It was not LITERALLY an ad for anything. And lest we forget, THOSE ARE THE WORDS TO GAGA'S FUCKING SONG. She wrote a song containing the lines "You can't have my heart and you won't use my mind but do what you want with my body," and it's fine, but when her video—to which, I'm

I also submit that we shouldn't paint lines on sports fields, because it kills the beauty of trying to figure out if your serve was fair or if you actually scored a touchdown. And we shouldn't have a clock, because it kills the beauty of playing until the sunset or some other moronic standard of ending games. No one

I still don't see why this kind of thing has to be elevated above general dickishness. If I go to a restaurant and, for whatever reason, the server thinks I'm an asshole and puts "this guy is an asshole" on the receipt, I'll think it's rude. I might point it out to the manager. I probably wouldn't. But the point

My first instinct was to read these upside down, from the point of view of a driver pulling in. I didn't even see the 16, 06, 68, etc until after. I'm wondering if there's a better way to frame this riddle.

Colorado's is terrible. But the current flag is already flat and minimalistic, so there wasn't really anywhere for them to go.

The average American woman is overweight. 5'3" and 166 pounds is, in the vast majority of cases, overweight bordering on obese. A 37" waist is overweight. This woman is healthy. The average American woman is not.

Whether you have your own definition or not — I could easily say that I reject the notion that a planet can be composed of anything but solid material, and that would exclude half the solar system — the official IAU definition is that Pluto is not a planet.

I think it's weird to cater a business with a very specific purpose like this to women. Granted, I could see how women might feel alienated being (and especially working) in such a male-dominated, macho setting. And I'm certainly not saying it's ok for mechanics and garages to dismiss a woman's knowledge or

I didn't mention the moons to indicate that those moons are somehow more qualified to be planets than is Pluto, I mentioned them to emphasize the disparity in size. Pluto, relative to just about everything else in the solar system, is tiny.

Proportionally, Pluto has over 1500 times as much water on it as Earth, and it's all frozen. Additionally, the entire surface of the planet is frozen, whether it's water, frozen methane, frozen nitrogen, or other exotic ices. That's a snowball in my book.

Base 911 Carrera S: £83,545
Carrera S with all that other crap: £95,551
Carrera S Martini: £102,862

The craziest thing to me is that there are seven moons, including our own, that are bigger than Pluto. It really is just a little snowball floating out there compared to the rest of the solar system.